Chapter 16

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NAME: Perseus Jackson

MOTHER: Sally Jackson(dead)

FATHER: Unknown(lost at sea)

STEP-FATHER: Gabe Ugliano(dead)

SIBLINGS: Andromeda Jackson (twin sister)

AGE: 7

EYES COLOR: Sea-green



· Has ADHD and dyslexia

· Was found with a dead snake in his crib

· When he was 4 years old, his mother was killed by his step-father.

· 3 days later the body of Gabe Ugliano was found in the woods with a dagger in his hearth

· Perseus Jackson and his twin sister, Andromeda Jackson disappeared and no records were found about their disappearance

Tony Stark was surprised by the lack of information in SHIELD's file. They usually have tons of information on every person on Earth. Heck, they probably know what the president had at breakfast. But his file was 1 page thick which also contained a picture with the kid since he was 3 years old. Nothing else. The file raised more questions than answers. He was curious about what happened to the kid and as if it read his mind, a medical report was attached to the file. Tony read it fast and was surprised this kid got through this much.

"Sir?" the voice of his AI rang through the room.

"What is it now, Jarvis?"

"Sir, Nick Fury is on line 1, he says it's urgent."

"Then tell him to leave it urgently, I'm busy and have better things to do than see the angry pirate."

"Sir, he.." Jarvis's voice was cut off as the director of SHIELD managed to hack into the system and his voice came through.

"Stark, you are needed here"

"What a surprise."

"Stark, it's about the latest mission. We need your expertise on the weapons, so move your ass here right now!"

"I told you Fury, I'm busy. Stuff to build, vodka to drink..."

"And I don't care Stark. One hour from now, at the HQ." he ended the call.

"Rude." muttered the billionaire , who came to the realization that this way he might be able to find more about the kid. "Should worth my time."


Another chapter. Yay! 😁 What are your thoughts about it?

The Twins of the Sea- A change in the past-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon