Chapter 26

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Andy's POV

That night I had a very weird dream. Of course demigod's dreams aren't normal, sometimes are glimpses of the future or the past, sometimes they show the will of the gods. This one woke me and the entire cabin up.

I couldn't recognize the place. It seemed desolated, ruins of an ancient temple scattered around the place which looked like a cave. I saw Annabeth besides a boy, trying to see why he looked in pain. When he looked up to answer her,  I recognized him as Luke. The ceiling was ready to colapse on him, when Annabeth managed to hold it up somehow and he slipped away. He left her there, abandoned her. I saw Annabeth's face contort in pain as she struggled to hold the ceiling. I tried to move to her, but the scenary changed. In her place was now a chained, battered Artemis.

"Mum! " a gasp escaped me, but it was taken by the wind, not heard by the goddess. I never saw her looking so bad, the pressure of the weight on her shoulders made her face contort in pain. I surged forward to her side, but everything came undone.

I yelled her name as I woke up from my dream, causing the others to also get up. I got down from my bunk and almost face-planted the floor, when Zoe caught me.

"Where are thou heading? "

"Mum,  I had a dream, she isn't good, I have to go, tell Chiron, I need to-" I realised I was crying and didn't even had a plan on how to save her. When I calmed down and stopped crying, Zoe and the others made me tell them about my dream and I did. Everyone was concerned about Artemis, but Zoe got the initiative to tell Chiron about this, as if she had the dream. If I told him about it, it would raise questions. We let her go, but no one got back to sleep.
The entire morning and afternoon I spent it at the archery range with the Hunters or walking around camp. Time finally came for the game of 'capture the flag'.

When we divided into teams I saw Percy and Thalia talking, more like arguing.
'Already fighting against your teammate? '

'We aren't fighting, we're creating our strategy. '

'Doesn't look like it. We will win anyway. '

'No, we will. '

'Prove it, dear brother. '
I threw him a glance and I smirked at him, my eyes glistening with mischief and his with determination.
My part of the plan was simple. Get in, get the flag and run back to our base. Piece of cake, blue cake, very sweet and with chocolate---aghhh stupid ADHD!  Where was I?

Right. Plan. Simple. Of course Zoe had to tag along as backup. We managed to get to Zeus' fist where they had their flag. Only 4 persons where here. The guy who I saw yesterday in front of the fire tending to it, those two demigods who I was sure where related to Hermes and Nico di Angelo who was more eager for this than expected. I signaled for Zoe who was behind a bush, while I was in a tree. I signaled her that I'll take the pranksters and she should take the other two. She nodded and jumped from behind the bush, going fast to Nico. The others prepared to attack, but I shot arrow after arrow at my targets. One hit the tallest and shocked him, making him fall, the other I shot with a knockout gas arrow. They were out.

Zoe pressed a pressure point on Nico's neck and he fell to the ground, then she engaged the last demigod to a fight. I jumped from the tree and I began to climb the boulders. When I took the flag, I jumped from it, just in time for the big guy to collapse. Me and Zoe looked each other in the eyes for a second, then took off running.

I was in front of her and when demigods from their team came at me, she easily shot an arrow at each of them to take them out, while I dodged between the others.

Up ahead was the creak and I saw Percy with our flag. Both of our eyes widened and we pushed ourselves to run faster. I was faster than him and with a final jump,  I managed to get to the other side before him, winning the game in the hunter's name. A smile was on my face as I locked eyes with my brother. I mouthed to him 'We won'.  He rolled his eyes and sighed before Chiron came to announce us as winners.

"The Hunters win!" Chiron announced without pleasure. Then he muttered, "For the fifty-sixth time in a row."

The other hunters came from the woods to congratulate me, but my eyes were locked on Thalia and Percy, who were once again arguing. Thalia got so mad, sparks flew from her and zapped Percy, who ended in the water. He got up and made a wave drench her from head to toe.  Both were enraged and pulled their weapons out. Thalia was calling upon the lightning and Percy was willing the water from the river to swirl around him.

This is when I did the stupidest thing ever. I got between them both and yelled to get their attention.

"Enough! Both of you! "

"Get out of the way, Andy! " urged Percy at the same time as Thalia yelled "Move! " the campers and hunters watched in silence the exchange.

"No! I will not have you two kill each other. " they were still glaring at each other and Chiron's words fell on deaf ears.

"I won't let him go away with this. Because of him, we lost! " yelled Thalia, as lightning hit her spear and I had enough of this. I looked her dead in the eye, not looking at her shield cuz that is a no-go.

"Want someone to blame... Take this Pine Tree. You lost because of me. I took your flag. I ran all the way here. It was all me. So, get this through your brain fast princess,  and take it out of your system-"

Probably not the best use of my words, but no one, and I mean no one besides me threatens my brother.

The daughter of Zeus shot her lightning to my chest. I reacted on instinct and pulled the water remaining around us, in front of me as a shield. I managed to block her attack, but now all the campers had a surprised look on their faces. Thalia realised what she had done and her eyes widened. Percy lost focus on his powers and the water returned to its place.

I heard Chiron mutter "This is not possible, another child-" he got cut off by something  being pointed by the campers. A green light was above me and when I looked up,  I saw Poseidon's symbol. A green glowing trident was above my head.

'Dad is claiming you as his own. '

'When was I his? '
I forgot I sent this to Percy as I thought it and he got a sad look in his eyes. Honestly, I didn't consider myself his daughter. Besides the fact that when I first met the guy he called us both 'Mistakes', the genes and powers, what did I get from him?  Not a hug, not a birthday present and to be fair, just a 'Hey kid. How ya doin'? ' would've been enough to know he cared. Artemis was more of a parent than him. That's why I found it strange to be claimed by him, even stranger to be presented to the wide world as 'Andromeda, daughter of Poseidon yada yada yada other titles of his'.  Everyone present bowed as Chiron ended his speech, but all was cut short by a mummy coming our way.

'The oracle... '

'The creepy mummy is THE Oracle of Delphi? '

'Uh huh. '

It came closer to us, looked to Percy, then to me (I got goosebumbs only from being watched by it--- Is it watched if the mummy doesn't have eyes? ), then to Zoe. She opened her mouth and green mist gathered around her feet, snake like sounds penetrated my mind.

I am the sprit of Delphi, Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, Seeker, and ask.

Zoe looked at me before she asked the oracle,  " What must I do to help my goddess?"

An image of green mist depicting Artemis just like in my dream made me gasp in fright.

Six shall go west to the goddess in chains, 
One shall be lost in the land without rain, 
The bane of Olympus shows the trail, 
Campers and Hunters combined prevail, 
The Titan's curse must twins withstand, 
And one shall perish by a parent's hand.

Then just as the mist got back into its mouth, it sat on a rock and became immobile, like it has been that way, in that place for centuries.

Well then... Who wants to go on a deadly quest?

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