Thought it was Peaceful, Did You?

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Gee, I couldn't imagine why. Grinning, I pecked his cheek and curled into his side. "I'm sure." For an ice cube, he was a surprisingly comfortable pillow. I'd fall asleep again if I wasn't careful.

A gentle knock on the bedroom door startled us both. "Your majesty?" Camden's voice floated through the ornate double-doors. "Will you be addressing the ambassadors today? You're scheduled to meet with them soon."

Oh thank god he didn't open them and waltz inside; I was still very naked, and a blush crept up my cheeks at the mere thought of someone walking in on us.

Adrian groaned, running a hand through his sleep-tousled hair and muttering curse words under his breath. "So much for spending the morning with you–sorry, love." He pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'll make it up to you later."

"I'll hold you that, you know." Someone had to make sure he kept his word, and I was dying to know how he planned on making it up to me.

He slowly began to disentangle himself from the bed, taking great care not to jostle me too much. "You won't have to," he promised, sliding the sheets back to cover my nude form.

One would hope, but I knew better than to raise my expectations. Better to be pleasantly surprised, than disappointed.

Cam knocked again. "Master Adrian?"

A disgruntled frown twisted at the vampire's lips. "Yes, yes. I'll be there! Give me a minute." Adrian hollered back, rolling his eyes. He pattered over to his closet, pulling out a dark blue suit, white dress shirt, and black shoes.

It was my turn to ogle as he stumbled about getting ready to take on the day. Damn the man for being so physically appealing—I found it difficult to tear my eyes away. Could you blame a girl for staring? Why did he have to be attractive?

And he knew it too, judging from the way he took his own sweet time getting dressed. For the love of–who ever put socks on that slowly? "Tease," I shook my head, trying my best to suppress yet another smile.

"Only for you, love." His lips curled into a rogue grin. "Do try to be on your best behavior while I'm gone, won't you?"

Um, what? "Since when am I not well-behaved?" I questioned him, brow furrowed. What in the world was he talking about?

He bent down and tweaked my nose. "Whenever you lose your temper, for one. And for two, I wouldn't call what we did last ni–"

I slapped a hand over his mouth, cutting him off. "Don't you dare!" I protested hotly, feeling the blush creep up my cheeks. Much as I'd enjoyed last evening's activity, I'd rather he'd refrain from broadcasting it to the world. Especially since Camden was no doubt waiting outside the door, and could very likely hear us!

Taking hold of my palm in his, he gently pulled it down to nibble on my wrist. "As the lady wishes," he chuckled, pulling me forward to claim my lips.

It was passionate kiss that left me starry-eyed and wanting, and it was over before I knew it. Adrian stepped back with a smirk and a smug twinkle in his eyes. "I'll be back before you know it. Love you, Kathryne!"

And with that, he dashed away, bowing on his way out.

I stared at the door a moment before realizing he'd left. "Love you too, you nitwit!" I didn't need to yell–I knew he'd hear me regardless. This though, was something I didn't mind sharing with everybody


"My lady, you really should learn to pay...attention." Ignotius chided as I finally managed to strike him in the stomach with my staff.

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