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I woke up early the next morning. The suns rays glowing through the dark curtains. A slight breeze blowing through the cracked open bedroom door as Blake walked back and forth in the little room. Stuffing clothes from the dryer into a couple back-packs.

I shifted on the bed and sighed, closing my eyes again as my hands wrapped around my waist, my wrist tingling slightly. "Faith?"

I hummed in return but besides that my body didn't move. These pillows were way to comfy to do anything else but sleep. "Faith, we have to go... We already spent too much time here."

I hummed in agreement again, what Blake had just said not really coming to light as my mind drifted from sleep to awake.

Suddenly the bed dipped and bounced, the old springs groaning in protest. My eyes shot open to see Blake walk out of the room before coming back with a pile of clothes in his hands. "Here throw these on and hurry, we have to go before it gets dark."

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "What's going on." My voice was rough and the skin around my wound stretched every time I opened my mouth.

Blake's eyes were wide with disbelief as he started down at me, before he recovered and threw a glare over his shoulder as he walked out the door. "Just get dressed."

I sighed and closed my eyes again. What's the point. He can just carry me if we really need to go.

That was my last though as darkness overcame my mind again.

The next time I woke up, the suns rays skipped over every other tree. Reflecting off the side mirror and shining in my eyes.

I groaned and pushed myself off the car door and wiped at the dampness on my cheek and chin. Eww did I really just drool?

I breathed in sharply through my nose as I twisted my wrist in the wrong direction and looked back out the widow.

We were still in the snowy woods, the sun barely poking out the tops of the trees. "Blake, were are we going now?" my voice was still horse and raspy and once I finished talking I broke out into a coughing fit.

He handed me a small water bottle but didn't reply, so I left it at that. I guess I have to figure it out myself.

Time ticked on and minutes turned to hours, but yet Blake still drove on and at that time my stomach started to ache and growl out in hunger.

He looked over at me and sighed. "We'll be hitting a town in a couple hours then we can get some..." He looked at the clock on the dash board. "Lunch."

I nodded.

Then "Blake?" He sighed out an I took that as my que to keep going. "How long was I out?" It seemed like a while, considering the fact that my period is long done and every time I catch my reflection I can see the hollow version of myself.

I must be a real sight to see.

He surprised me by answering. "About three days."

I didn't want to push my luck but I should have a right to know what's going on. I've pushed these questions back for to long now. They need to be answered. "What are those things?.. What are you?"

Again I was met by silence. I snorted and rested my head back on the window, watching the flashes of green and red dance across the snowy ground. Jumping and hiding around every bush and tree.

I sat up and looked at him. They were becoming to much, the whispers started to come but I tried to force them to the back of my mind with the low hum of the radio but it wasn't working. "Do you have my pills?"

My heart plumited when he shook his head.

"Is there somewhere we can get more?" I whispered and once again was greeted with another shake of his head. "Blake please, I don't want to see them anymore." If he wanted to kidnap me, that's fine, but I really need him to at least take care of me.

"They're not really there, Faith. Just ignore them." His eyes never wavered from the road.

I gave out a humorless laugh. "That's easy for you to say. I suffer from schizo-something? I need those pills."

He shook his head and sighed. "No you don't." I stared at him in shock.

He doesn't know me. He doesn't know what I have to go through everyday. "You don't know what I go through."

Suddenly he was pulling over to the side of the road. The car bolted to a stop as he cut the engine off and turned to look at me. "No I don't, but its not schizophrenia." I felt the tears well up and I had to blink fast before they overflowed.

This is unbelievable.

"Then what is it?" I question. Don't

My hands quickly shot to my ears. My eyes clamping shut tightly. It was getting worse. The more I think about it the more reaction I get from them.

There was a little tingle in my hand, Blake's sliding into place right by mine and removing them from my face. Moving my chin up, his thumb rubbing my cheek as my eyes open. "You're just special."

I shook my head, the tears finally falling freely down my cheeks. "No, no I'm not. I'm just a freak that has no life and no friends. And who got kidnapped and is currently in a situation where she's freaking out because now the whispers are getting louder and the colors are closing in and Blake can we please go somewhere were there's people?" My eyes roamed everywhere around his head, outside the window, my ears perking up at the new sounds coming into the car.

He didn't move instead wiped away a tear from its path down my cheek. "What are they saying?"

I stared at him in shock.

Tim had never encouraged me to see what they were say only forcing those pills on me. This was different and new.

I wasn't ready.

"I-I don't know? There talking to fast? There's to many."

Blake nodded in understanding before sliding closer to me. "What can you see?"

Again I wasn't ready, but my eyes focused outside at the colors dashing from left to right. "Red and green, there just flashes of color and there just moving as if waiting for something? I-I don't know Blake I've never done this before?"

He nodded but kept staring at me his lips parting slightly as his eyes flickered across my face his fingers leaving little trails of tingles as the roamed over my bottom lip. "If I tell you something you have to tell me what there saying, okay?" I nodded and he took another sigh before his eyes flicked up to meet mine. "Everything you know isn't reality. This world right here is. The men who attacked you. What you saw me turn into. That is reality. You already know what we are you just don't want to believe it."

I waited for him to go on but it seemed that was the end of it so I listen.

And listen, it was many voices all at once and I could barely make out just one.

But then I heard it.


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