Rude Much

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Raising my right hand I knocked about three times before I heard shuffling from the inside.
"You know you can just walk right in, there's no need to knock." Tim mumbled, I smiled at him a little. "That's the whole reason I gave you a key."

I stepped inside and turned back to face him. "Yes well i forgot my key at work and you guys always lock the door so unless i can crawl through a window with this," I raised up my now swollen, red hand and watched his reaction. "Then it was best for me to knock."

His eyes widened and he grabbed my hand to inspect it. "What the hell Fae? What did you do this time?" Before I could answer him, he dragged me to one of the bathrooms besides the living room.

As he was roaming around under the sink for the first aid kit, I managed to swing myself up onto the counter top. "So remember Nate or Nick, yea he was at the diner today and... Well it ended in a mess." I rubbed my forehead a little as a little headache was about to begin.

  Tim, of course, saw this and immediately asked the question that I hate. "Did you take your pills today." 

  "Well i did this morning..."

  "Faith! Dont you realize this by now that these help with the pain ." He walked out a little bit and yelled down the hallway. "Hey Blake can you go into the kitchen and in the plate cabinet get the pill bottle" He came back to my side and started in on my wrist and hand as he kept mumbling to himself.

  He stopped for a minute and looked up. "Fae, i just dont want you to be in pain." Guilt washed over me and I instantly regretted causing him this trouble. Tims always been there for me, so the least i could do is take the pills.

   I looked down at my hand and bit my lip. He finish with tucking in the gaze. "Im sorry Tim, I just dont like the way they make me feel, and plus its only the headaches tha..." I had to stopped mid sentence and gripped my head because of the major headache that came full force, something else caught me off guard too. In the corner of the bathroom, there was a flicker of red and then the shadows seemed to grow in size.

   Then just as sudden as everything came, it all went away when a man with piercing blue eyes sharp facial features and a mess of black hair came into view at the door way.

   At his sudden presences, nausea hit me like a wave and I had to jump from the counter and rush to the toilet and gaged but nothing seemed to come out. A pair of hands was holding back my hair and rubbing my back. And for some reason it was comforting and I knew it wasnt Tim that was doing it.

  When I was done I heard a gruff voice saying "I have to go." and quick footsteps walking out of the bathroom.

  "Blake wait... Faith.." Tim was looking at me and I knew what he wanted me to say.

  "Im fine. Go." His footsteps faded down the hallway as i pushed myself up off the ground. 'What a way to make a first impression' I quickly took the pills, rinsed out my mouth with mouth wash and headed out of the bathroom to see if i could apologize.

  Walking down the hallway I heard the husky voice of 'Blake' I'm assuming "No look Tim I'll be back later just not when she's here." 'ouch okay so much for apologizing' I frowned as I rounded the corner.

  "Well so much for apologizing." I glared at him, but that didn't seem to faze him as he sent me his own glare.

  Tim sighed. "Fine, uugghh," he turned to look at me then back to Blake. "Tomorrow night she's working so you can come by and..."

  "Wait, she lives with you." his glare turned to Tim now and he seemed to become angrier at that thought.

  "She is right here, and yes I do. If you have a problem with it then fine, don't come back."

   "Faith, go sit. Somewhere. Please." Tim looked at me pleading. I sighed in response but obeyed, not before sending Blake another glare.
  'Rude much.'

I sat on the couch while waiting for Tim to come back, not long after he did and sat down on the the couch opposite of me with a big sigh as his hands rubbed his face. I frowned at seeing him. "T, are you okay. I can go home if you want to be alone." I cringed at the thought of being home alone. 'Please say no.'

   "No. But hey Jordan and I are gonna need your help with setting up for the party on Friday." he quickly changed the subject. I smiled a little when he said no but that quickly turned into a grimace when he said party.

  "T, you know I hate parties, can't we be normal for once and not have a party for me. I'm sure no one will show up and even if they do they will for the alcohol and drugs." He smiled at me and shook his head. Every year the same thing happens, Tim and Jordan throw me a party and invite all there friends. Then barely anyone shows up and if they do its because of the drinks and drugs that Tim has his parents get him, because to them 'Its safer to do it at home and not with some random stranger' . Then somehow by the middle of the night the party is in full swing. Then I'm left by myself in one of the guest rooms I stay in playing video games or something. "My eighteen birthday wasn't any different what makes you think this one will be?" I question rubbing my eyes.

   "I don't know I have a good feeling about this one. Just please come and try to enjoy this one." He gave me the puppy dog eyes that, of course, I couldn't say no to.

  I sighed and his face instantly brighten up when he realized I caved in. "Fine but I'm not promising that I'll get along with anyone." I said.

   Everyone in this town treats me differently, I don't know if it has to do with what my mom does, or how my father ended up in the Insane Asylum when I was about three after the incident. But ever since that time, I was always treated like the outsider. Some people just don't like me and some just don't talk to me. It took a couple of year before Tim even became my friend. Then when he got together with Jordan, she didn't even care that much about me.

  I sat back on the couch, thinking about my fücked up life when Jordan walked through the door. Tim getting up and going over to her. They made plans for a lunch date tomorrow but I didn't stay long after that, I walked to my room and hopped into the shower to wash what today brought.

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