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My headache is more of a migraine now. And about seven more hours of work left. Just fantastic. Note the sarcasm.

"Hi my names Faith, and I'll be you waitress today. What can I get for your drinks." I recided the same line I've said for the past almost three years now.

"Are you fücking serious, Tim." A voice growled out. For some odd reason the pain seemed to subside a little.

I looked up to see Tim, Jordan, and Blake seated at the table.
"What, its Jordans lanch and you said you wanted to meet up, plus we get a discount here. Isn't that right Fae." Blake turned and glared at me, his messy hair falling into his blue eyes.

Everything around me seemed to stop, because I know those eyes from somewhere. I cant really remember but I know I've seen them before. Suddenly it all stopped and I was staring at a guy. A guy who I might add it full on glaring at me. So I did the only thing I could and glared back. "Sorry, Tim. My breaks up."

Turning away from the table and towards the back of the diner, I quickly went in my locker and found my journal. Flipping through the pages, I found what I was looking for. There wasn't much on the page, but the charcoal stains in the form of a black wolfs head.

The eyes. A mixture of blacks, blues and greys, swirling together. An unknown emotion layed behind them, just like in my dream.

The navy blue, knee high, waitress dress blew softly in the breeze as I sat out side. I can still remember some of the dream, just most parts are blurry, I guess, maybe from the stupid pills.

"Faith, its the lunch rush we need you inside." Jerry the dinners cook came out. I just nodded and headed back in. After putting my book back into the locker I went back out and of course, they were still seated at the table, only differences was they had there food this time.

I looked at Blake again, I just can't get rid of the feeling that I know him from somewhere. And even though half of me thinks he's dangerous the other half of me thinks that I would probably be the safest with him. 

His black jacket that he wore, looked a little lose, like he lost a few pounds after he bought it. The same with his dark faded jeans. He leaned back in his chair and a small twitch of his lips, like he wanted to smile. Then as if sensing that I was looking at him, he turned his head. His eyes, blue at first, roamed across my body. A mixture of pleasure and insecurity, ran through my body, he seemed to notice and found his way back up to my eyes. His now the mixture of greys and blacks, along with the blue, that I remember so well.

Before he could, I glared at him and turned to finish my job.


7 o'clock on the dot and now I am out of here. "Goodnight, Jerry. Dana."

"Goodnight dear. Oh I forgot to ask how's your mom?" My mom. Well considering that she's a drunk and the last time I actually had a decent conversation with her, was maybe when I was around 15. Ever sense then when she's at home, I stay with Tim, and when she's gone I'm at the house.

"Well I don't really know, I haven't talked to her in a while." I smiled at them. Dana and Jerry where like my grandparents when nobody was around. Jerry knew my dad, and after everything that went down he was there to support me, and then when I turned 15 I managed to get a workers permit and he gave me a job at the diner. Which apparently has been in his family for generations, and each year they like to add something knew. This years was WiFi for the costumers, courtesy of me.

"Oh, okay, well when you see her tell her to come by. I'd love to have a chat with her." She smiled at me. I simply nodded and started my way out the door again. 

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