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The sun shone through the curtains everytime the wind blew. Along with the sun the birds chirping had me moving around. The slight movement of my legs had a small whine leaving my lips.

Opening my eyes I did my best to sit up. Once that was done I looked around my small room. Two bodies layed at the end of my bed, condoms spread randomly around the room.

Oh my gosh

Crawling to the end of the bed slowly, I looked over to see Jane, a blond headed weirdo curled up next to Andy, both extremely naked. Andy still had a condom on.

No no no

I crawled back and just sat there staring into space. Clutching the bed sheet to my chest. There was a knock on the door and before I could answer the person barged in.

Tim walked in a small smile on his face, he looked down at the end of the bed then back at me. "I-i..."

I couldn't finish the sentence. Actually I didn't even know what I was going to say. Tim seemed to get it and walked over to me.

Without speaking he lifted me up and walked out to another guest bedroom and set me down on another bed then left. A couple minutes later he came back with some of my cloths. "You should get cleaned up. There's some breakfast downstairs." He smiled at me again then left.

Spending an hour just trying to get up and out of the bed then showering, I finally made it downstairs. I have bit marks and hickeys on my butt. I can't believe I did that last night. Especially with those two, whats wrong with me.

Andy wasn't that bad of a guy, just up to the point where he opens his mouth. He seemed to never know what to say when he was around girls and ended up messing up, but that added to the charm of who he was. His chocolate brown eyes could make anyone melt. But last night? With me and Jane? There's something that I'm missing.

"Well don't you look like a ray of sunshine this morning." Tim mumbled handing me an aspirin and a cup of coffee. His sarcasm this early in the morning had my head pounding more. I knew I looked like shít.

My brown, black and red hair plastered to my face and still dripped down my back. The makeup from last night was probably everywhere on my face and the hickeys on my neck and shoulders were on full display in the blue tank top I wore.

"Tim... Andy?" I guess I was still in shock. I mean it's not everyday you wake up and realize you lost you v-card to a sweet, shy guy. That's almost every girls dream minus the threesome part.

Absentmindedly I put the pill in my mouth and took a sip of the coffee while trying to set on on of the bar stools. Looking over at the clock it was already 1 o'clock pm. Crap I slept all day.

"Tim... Where's Jordan." I finally realized that she was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't of been at work because we all requested yesterday and today off.

"She ugh.." Scratching the back of his brown haired head he finally looked at me and sighed. His green eyes looked drained and the bags under then made him look older then he was. "We had a fight last night. Stacy was drunk out of her mind and when I tried to take her out side she pulled me down for a kiss as Jordan came out of the house to help me. She... She left and she hasn't came back yet. Fae. I don't know what to do its driving me insane. I need to see if shes okay but shes not answering any calls of text."

At the sound of Stacys name I scowled at him but instantly felt bad. Tim was like my older brother and ever since Jordan came along he's treated her like a queen. I felt bad for him.

Getting up I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. He seemed to appreciate it because he tighten his hold around me and let out a silent sob. "I need her back, Fae. It's killing me."

Pulling back I smiled up at him. "Ill talk to her." Going back around the island counter I grabbed Jerry's truck keys and waved Tims wallet in the air. "It wont take long." Hearing his chuckle as I closed the door I smiled to my self and hopped into the old grey Chevy truck, Jerry gave to me for my present, and made my way over to Jordans house.


"Come on Jordan. The guy was practically crying over you and you know how guys are about that manly shit." Laying back on her white couch I waited for her to come out of her room. "I stopped back starbucks and got your favorite."

On the way over I decide to stop and get a peace offering for her. "Chai tea with whip cream?" Her head poked out of the crack in the door. Her blonde hair was worse then my and her make up was runny as her eyes puffed from her crying. I rubbed my face again with one of her make up wipes to make sure I got everything off.

I usually don't wear make up but Jordan insisted that it would help to get me in bed with someone. She didn't know how right she was.

"Of course." I called out over a mouth full of my drink. A double chocolatey chip frap. What can I say. I'm a chocolate girl.

She flopped down next to me and to a long drink of hers. Pulling out Tims black leather wallet she gasp as I threw it on her lap. "I also got you something else."

She looked slightly startled and picked it up between her pointer finger and thumb. "Faith... He actually let you have this?"

"Well... I mean he didn't really fight to get it back. He doesn't mind. I swear." She gave me a skeptical look but got up anyway and walked away to her room. Twenty minutes later she came back with light blue skinny jeans a white v-shirt and some shades her blonde hair was up into a pony tail.

"I texted him. He said it was fine, besides he never really got me a birthday gift anyway." I hopped from the couch and to the door as fast as I could. When I stumbled a little and crouched down by the door, she finally seem to notice something was wrong.

"Whats wrong?" I shook my head and threw my hair up into a pony tail.

"Ill explain later."


"Are you sure you think it was Andy?" She rose her eyebrow and shoved the rest of the pretzel with cheese into her mouth.

I nodded and sat back. My baggy basketball shorts hung loosely from my knees. Right now we sat in the food court as she ate. By the time we got to the mall she was starving and insisted on eating. A guy with dark brown eyes and brown hair sat in front of us as I watched him watch me. I also noticed that he followed us since the lights a couple miles from the mall.

"I don't know, but my body is so sore. It hurts worse then the extreme work out you and Tim put me through." She smiled slightly at that memory. "When are you going to talk to him again. You know it was an accident." I don't really do the whole console you friend, so I was kind of on a loose in with this.

My heart was racing and again, I had no idea why. Everyone's face seemed to blur, beside a couple that stood out. Then just as it appeared everything went back the way it was.

She just nodded and got up. I followed suit and we made our way to one of the stores. Looking over my shoulder I notice the guy was still following us.

"What do you think of this one?" She held up a pink see through lace tank top. I grimaced and shrugged. "You know you are the worse person to take shopping. You worse then taking Tim."

I smiled and looked back over my shoulder again. The guy stood in the corner of the store pretended to look through the shirts in front of him, but his eyes seemed to stay on me and my every move.

"Hey, Jordan. I don't mean to freak you out. But I think that guy is following us."

His MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora