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Time pasted.

April came and went leaving May baring fresh blooming flowers as it came.

But now it was close to the end of May only three week away before June. Were it would bring warmer day. Almost in time for summer.

I went to the funeral, it was like all others. People dressed in black, walking around with tears in there eyes. I gave my speech, his actual family disagreed with the whole ordeal but it was me both Dana and him wanted up there.

I went to the reading of his will, he apparently left me his truck and a 10% check every month from the earnings of the diner. His family didn't care for that either, leaving with promise's of taking me to court to settle the deal. Mary was left with everything in her name, so really it was all up to her, she was the one that can decide if I get the money or not. Even Nicks/Nates dad didn't say anything about it.

Of course she let me have it, signing over a nice new card with my name on it, telling me that I deserved "Every little penny, dear."

I couldn't really care, I was happy with the truck. It was old and beat up but it was still mine.

I spent the rest of the time at the gym, due to the diner being closed. Dana still wanted time to herself.

I offered to open it and run it for a couple days, but she disagreed and told me to go live my life while I can.

That was the last time I saw her and she didn't look so good, bags under her eyes and skinnier then before. I could understand though, she lost someone she loved, while I only lost a fatherly figure in my life.

I moved back with Tim when my mother came back to town. Then they left on there trip, leaving me on my own. I didn't mind though, I liked being on my own, but lately I felt as if someone was watching me.

They came back a couple weeks later bring news with them. Jordan was three months pregnant going on four.

I was happy for them, they might still be young but they did love each other. Tim was beyond happy, ecstatic. He became more protective over her, it was funny to watch, they fought over every little thing.

I went back to the house shortly after the news to give them privacy and ran into my mother, it didn't end well. It never did. She yelled and screamed at me like always, yelling how I took the love of her life away from her, how I wasn't even suppose to be alive, they never wanted me.

I sucked it up and did my best to ignore her like always till she finally left.

I woke from the couch with a start and found myself running to the bathroom and puking my guts out again. This was the second morning for this to happen.

I got up and flushed the toilet. Standing I grabbed my toothbrush and some toothpaste and quickly brushed my teeth.

Finished I looked at the time and cursed inwardly. I had lunch plans with both Tim and Jordan and it was already a quarter to noon.

Taking the quick way out I jumped in the shower and washed up before getting out and pulling on a clean pair of ripped jeans before grabbing a loose fitting black muscle shirt that said 'Strong is Sexy' on the back in white print.

Running a brush through my long hair I grabbed my keys and headed out. I arrived right on time as they pulled in right besides me.

Hopping out of the truck I made my way to them and smiled as Tim pulled me into a hug followed by Jordan. "Long time no see, kiddo, hows it going?"

I scowled at him "Did you just call me 'kiddo'? Your not that much older then me you know." He smiled and shook his head as he chuckled a little.

Jordan laughed to. "Don't worry he thinks he's to mature for everyone now."

"But I am baby and don't you forget it." I gagged as he seductively winked at her.

"Oh gross, if you guys wanted to do that why did you invite me ." They both laughed and followed me to the door. Jordan took off inside first and started to walk away. Confused I looked over to Tim in question. "Is something wrong?"

He smiled a little but shook his head no and kept walking to a table. He pulled out a chair for me and then sat down himself. "She just 'doesn't want you around her baby.'"

I stared at him wide eyed. Is that true, Jordan doesn't trust me enough to be around her. "What? What do you mean she doesn't want me around?"

He looked scared and confused for a moment. "What Faith no that's not what I said. I 'don't want you around my unborn child.'"

I swallowed hard and nodded. Slowly standing up I flickered my eyes around the food court in the mall, seeing flashes of red and green pass my vision before everything became blotchy. "Faith?" I blinked again as everything started to swirl, then the next thing I knew I was heading straight to the floor.


The slight pinching in my left arm had my eyes shooting open and looking down at it. There was an IV hooked up to a bag of water trickling down. "Faith"

Looking at the other side of the room Tim stood in the door way with Jordan tucked under his arm. I frowned and rubbed my head. "What happen?"

He came all the way into the room and sat down by my side. Taking my hand in his, he spoke. "Faith you passed out at the mall and they had to call and ambulance when we got here the doctors had to run some blood test to see what was wrong and.."

"And what?" I held my breath.

"Your pregnant."

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