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The mans body was instantly ripped from mine, his teeth shredding my neck. His grip gone, as I fell to the ground gasping for air.

My lungs were screaming for more and more. My right hand shot to my neck, covering the gaping hole that was bound to be there. The black dots danced around my vision slowly fading out as the scenery came into view.

The white snow in front of me was stained red, from my blood or someone else's, I really didn't know. And at this point I didn't really care as I scrambled up onto my feet and ran.

I ran the opposite way I had been walking in.  The snow crunching under my shoes with each step that brought me further from the scene.

I didn't make it that far before falling. I felt like one of those girls in a scary movie.

The ones that are always killed off first because they were to stupid and fell, then had to look back behind them to see if the killer was still following. Of course he would still be following you.

Your half dead and laying on the ground.

But that's exactly what I did. The sight behind me was worse then I could imagine. The man-presumably the one that hand my neck in-between his mouth- was laying on the floor, his head missing and blood seeping out of his nub of a neck.

A dark black-giant wolf leaped up and over the body straight for the last man standing. It was a quick instant battle as the wolfs jaw latched on tight to the mans head. A sickening crack heard throughout the forest as this paws met the blood stained snow underneath.

Then his eyes locked with mine.

It took everything within me to shake the fear from my body. To remove my gaze from his. And to lift myself up to start running again.

The blood lose was getting to me. The coldness of my surrounding area. The weakness settling into my limbs.

I didn't make it far before I fell, again. This time I didn't look back. I kept crawling forward. My hands shooting out to brace my body, keeping me up from the cold snowy ground.

I couldn't make it anymore. My lungs burned for a breath of air. Not the cold sharp air around me. My eyes burning as little tears prickled against them.

I shouldn't have done this. This was a mistake. Why hadn't I listen to Blake and stay put?

Suddenly a blanket was thrown over my shoulders. It was fuzzy and warm. Not enough warmth but enough to have my hazy gaze snapping up and meeting a bare chested Blake. His cheeks a rosy red, eyes and hair a wild mess.

His jaw shifted and his hands shot out to the side of my neck, his other moving around to the back of my knees, hoisting my up into his arms bridal style. "Keep pressure on the wound."

"W-wha-t-t we-re t-tho-se? Wher-e did yo-u come fr-om?" I had so many questions swimming in my head, but my stutter from the cold made it hard to form any words. "A-mm I-I go-in-g to d-ie? Plea-se li-e to me an-d s-say n-n-no." Blake didn't even crack a smile, instead started to jog faster.

He must be freezing. Why is he even out here with no shirt that's insanit-...

My body was instantly dropped to the ground. Blake's flinging backwards.

I turned in time to see it. To see the shorts he had on rip. The  skin on his chest sprout dark back hair. His face constricting and stretching into a snout. Bones cracking and breaking, shifting into different places as Blake shifted into the black wolf that, not a minute before, ripping the head off another man.

Just like what he was doing to this one.

It happen so quickly then ended so quickly. I barely had time to think before Blake's... Other form? Was walking closer to me.

The blood lose seemed to be getting to me. Maybe I was imagining everything. Yeah that has to be the answer. Because there's no way in hëll that Blake is...this?

He came forward and I didn't move back or anything. Mostly because I was to cold and in pain to do anything but watch.

Watch as he changed back and picked me back up, but even then I didn't stop staring at him.

Blake ran the rest of the way to the little cabin and practically kicked the door in to get inside. The fire was slowly dying, a couple flames still left but Blake set me down near it and grabbed a book off the shelf. Instantly ripping it and tossing the pages into the fire, bring it back to life.

But even then I couldn't stop staring at him.

As he ripped the blanket from me and helped me out of my clothes then wrapped a clean and warmer, guzzler blanket around my frame. A patch of gaze laid beside him and he pulled the plastic off, coving the hole on my neck.

He left me there, but came back with sweats hanging low on his hips, it didn't even register that he was running around naked. "Here drink this."

I couldn't move my hands. But he didn't know of course and all I did was stare at the cup and then him.

"Faith, drink." He practically growled out.

"I-i c-can-t." He sighed and lifted the back of his hand to my forehead.

He was so warm and as his hand touched my head I sighed and closed my eyes. But he moved back and left the room again, leaving the steaming cup in his place.

"Here." He came back and wrapped another blanket around me, adding more paper and wood to the fire.

I was still staring as he poked at the fire, the glow shinning on his face and giving it a hard edge type look. "B-bla-k-e i-its st-ill c-old." He only nodded.

We stayed in silence for another minute before he moved and sat down in front of me. Pulling my frame into his careful of the wound.

"S-shouldn't yo-u clea-an my w-wound?" He nodded but didn't move. Putting his chin on top of my head as I laid in his chest. His warmth enveloping me along with the fire.

I was so comfortable, or it was the blood lose but either one had me dozing off in his arms.

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