The Mark

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Blake's POV:

The bruising around my nose finally went down a little. If she can hit that hard with a fractured wrist, how hard can she it when she's actually trying? Why'd she even hit me anyways. I was just trying to help her.

Faith was currently in Tim's backyard. Doing what, I really don't know. She's under one of the Weeping Willows, her waist length, multi-colored hair swaying slightly in the breeze. Pieces of brown, black and red fell across her blue eyes as she stared at nothing in particular. Her right hand was tracing the mark on her forearm.

I should of rejected her the moment I knew who she was, I always thought that I was able to but now, I'm not so certain.

Of course I know who and what she is, but Tim had said that he has been with her since the beginning. Her father had nothing to do with her life, so despite who she was suppose to become, it never happen.

No wonder why nobody wants to be around her, she can still be very dangerous. "Hey my parents will have everything you need by tomorrow."

Tomorrow? "Isn't that Faiths birthday?" I was suppose to leave today. It was currently 5 in the morning and I guess once Faith wakes up everyone's up.

"Yup she's turning 19." When I looked over at Tim he had a knowing smile on his face. Even though I didn't know what it mean I still glared at him.

"Why are you always staring at me like that... Are you secretly gay ca-." A soft laugh was heard on the other side of the door. I walked over and open the door to see Faith and Jordan holding onto the other side of the wall laughing and holding there sides.

A slightly smile made its way on my lips as I watched Faith laugh. Her eyes shut, eyebrows scrunched together. One of her hands covered her mouth as she she smiled, leaning back on the wall and looked at Tim. "Wow I totally called that."

She turned to look at me and her smile faltered a little. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I instantly dropped the little smile I held and turned towards the window as my eyes turned a darker color. "I have to go."


Faith's POV:

The slight brushing feeling over the inside of my left forearm caused goose bumps to rise on my skin. Every time the wind would blow my hair fell back into my eyes, then when pushing it back I would catch a glimpse of Blake staring at me from one of the second story windows.

I got this feeling in my stomach every time I see him looking over at me but then something in the back of my mind with throw it away. I looked down at the mark on my left forearm and remember the day I got it.

It hurt like hëll and considering I was only about five of six, it hurt way more then the scare on my back. It was scary to say the least, not knowing what's happening to you.

I was staying at a friends, when I was still friends with people, and there parents had to take me to the hospital when I wouldn't stop crying about the pain. I guess they thought I somehow broke my arm, but later that night when my mom showed up she yelled at everyone saying that giving a six year old a tattoo is a crime and threatened to sue everyone.

Of course she was drunk so no one really thought much about it.

I can't really remember much but the pain and then passing out but after that day, everyone around me wouldn't talk or spend anytime with me anymore. Till Tim decided to be friend. I think that if it wasn't for him I would probably still be a loner.

"Hey Fae, can you come help me set the living room up?" Turning around, Jordan stood in the door way the wind blowing her, recently dyed, blond hair everywhere.

"Yeah." Tomorrow was Friday. The day of the party for my birthday. Getting up and following after her, we started up the stairs.

"Why are you always staring at me like that." Jordan and I shared a look as we passed a door. I think it was one of the guess rooms that Blake was staying in. "Are you secretly gay ca-." We burst out laughing, holding on the wall so we didn't fall over.

The door opened and the look on Tim's face had us laughing harder. He was glaring at us with and amused smile on his face. "I totally called that." My smiled brighten when he turned his glare on me but when I looked over at Blake, it faltered a little.

His chin length black hair was messy as usual with a piece of it slightly falling in his blue eyes. His full pink lips were turned up in a small smile. To say the look suited him would be and understatement he looked almost breathe taking.

Almost instantly his smile dropped and he turned his head to the window. "I have to go." He walked up to Tim and whispered something in his ear.

Tim nodded and Blake walked out the door without another look in my direction. It kinda hurt but I wouldn't dare show it to Tim and Jordan.


Blake's POV:

The defending sound of the guy screaming for mercy sounded throughout the thick trees that surrounded us as my claws sunk in deeper in his neck.

His head hit the ground in a thud not long after his body followed. "Make sure you burn them before you leave." Turning I growled at the small brown haired boy.

How else does he expect to get rid of the bodies. Who the hell is this guy anyways? He growled back before turning back towards the town and running.

When Tim said he would have someone help I didn't expect him to send me some boy.

Gathering them up in one pile, I quickly light a match and threw it at the disassembled bodies and headed back to town. I had to make sure they didn't know anything about her.

My little hunter

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