one : the bus

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Storms Pov:
I sigh as Kylie drags me to her boyfriend's bus. I've known Kylie since we were in highschool. We were best friends ever since. I shake my head and she pulls me on.

"I have a new tech person" She yells and everyone looks at us. I wave and she grins. "This is Store. She is good with this stuff loves hokey music chicken wing and is also a submissive in BDSM." She introduced me. Chris the singer looks at me wide eyes. She said he was a dominant in BDSM.

"Hi" I wave and she smiles.

"I think her and Chris would be perfect together" She said and Chris frowns. I do too.

"Kylie Chris and I are not looking for a relationship right now" I say and she sighs. "Plus I rather be a slut for a while" I say with a pout. She elbows me in the ribs and I hiss. I held them and glare at her.

"Sorry" She squeaks and lifts my shirt up. My ribs are broken. All of them to exact.

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Vinny asked and I slap her hand away.

"Abusive Dom that took BDSM way to far" I say and Chris shakes his head.

"I hate those types of bastards" He said and Kylie sat me next to him. She got me a bag of ice and sat it on my ribs. She went outside and I started to eat the ice.

"Sorry to hear about you and Gaia" I say to him and he shrugs.

"I'm slowly getting over her" He muttered and I nod. Kylie had my stuff and glares.

"Ice is for the ribs not your mouth" She said and sat my stuff in the back. I shrug and kept eating the ice. "Look Chris your like a brother to me and she could help you. You two don't have to date but talk to each other and hang out." Kylie said and took my ice. I whine and grabbed her waist. I sat her in my lap and took the ice.

"This thing is yours" I gave her to Ghost and she flips me off. I ate my ice happily and watched them play video games. Kylie ordered food and some other stuff.

"You get your own chicken wings with a ceaser salad" She said to me. I nod and got my phone. I wiped my make off and took the scar off. It was fake. I took my contacts out and put them up. Chris looks at me and I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Chris have you been suicidal?" I asked and he looks away. Everyone stopped and looked at us. "Chris have you" I asked again.

"Maybe" He whispers and Ricky storms up. He grabs his hair and dragged him to the bunk room. I went with him and Ricky was going in his bunk. He came out with a baggie with razors in them.

"Alright come on" I say and dragged him to the back. "Take your pants off" I say knowing that's wear he did it. I shut the door and Jimmy came out. He is a red fox and my baby.

"Holy shit" He said and I sat him down. I pulled his pants off and looked at the cuts.

"This is never the answer you do understand that they can't trust you by yourself anymore right?", I asked and he nods. I cleaned and wrapped them. I saw the boner in his pants and I smirk. "Someone needs a cold shower" I tease and he just lays down.

"Fuck off" He mumbles and fell asleep. I put a blanket over him and got ready for bed.

"Awe" I herd Ryan say as Jimmy came out.

"He is alseep and I'm joining him" p say and they nod.

"Your the girl that was giving Kylie oral last night" Ghost screeches and I smirk.

"She has a nice pussy" I say and went back. I shut the door and saw Chris sleeping peacefully. He was cuddled into my blanket. Awe. I sigh and got his blanket and laid down. I yawn and fell asleep.

Enternally Yours (Chris Motionless ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora