Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Present Day - 3 months after Kyle’s death

Ryder’s POV


My son, if you are reading this then only one thing could have happened. I am dead and you are now 17. I’m not going to waste time by telling you I am sorry for doing this to you. I will tell you though who is responsible for taking everything you know and love. Jezebel Spencer, the child who holds the power. She was prophesised as the most powerful witch ever and it was foretold that whichever side she chose would win out for eternity. She is the one who sided against us and destroyed everything.

This is my best guess of what could have happened but I can’ give you details of how I died because I am writing this before I went in search of this girl. I can tell you that I died trying to make our side the one who one out I was trying to give us the chance to rule. But I failed. I failed your mother and I failed you. In the event that I failed you and died I had you Uncle Charlie put a spell on you which is why you are now 17.

When I left you weren’t quite three and the spell was meant to age you to 17 once I was dead. The spell would only work if I died because our blood is directly tied to each other. I did this so you could carry on the work I was doing. To give you the chance to finish what I started before it’s too late. Ryder you can go in and fix my mistakes, that’s why I had Charlie, make you age to be 17. You would fit in at the school she’s meant to go to, Belmont High School in Los Angeles.

Ryder you can make this right. Play your cards carefully and you can get what you desire. I believe in you son and I’m sorry.

Your father, Kyle

I put down the letter that I’d read about a million times in the last six months. The letter he had left for me barely scratched the surface of the questions I had. I hardly even remembered spending any time with my father. I remembered my mother more though. But that didn’t tell me what happened to her either. My father’s letter only told me that he had died but not what happened to my mother. That was part of the reason why I decided to come to LA to find answers, that and to find the girl who stole everything from me.

Jezebel Spencer.

Leaning back in my chair I thought back to the day three months ago that I woke up and found that I was suddenly 17. I had gone to sleep that night as a three year old and woke up as a teenager. Then I found the letter addressed to me stuck to the fridge. There was nobody else in the house at all. Nobody to ask what the hell was going on. Then I read the letter that told me if I suddenly woke up as a 17 year old then that meant my father was dead. I laughed bitterly and stood up. I’d had three months to get used to being a teenager and to plan what I was going to do. To plan my vengeance on the girl who stole my childhood and my parents.

Tracking down her school had been easy and then applying hadn’t been difficult either. Moving from where his parents house was to LA had been a little harder. Going from 3 to 17 overnight meant I didn’t really have a good hold on things. I’d managed to find a substantial amount of money around the house and some clothes of my fathers. I packed up the clothes he had left behind and then some photos from around the house. Jumping on the first bus to LA I made my way closer to where I thought I'd  find what I wanted.

From there I’d managed to find an apartment close to the school I knew she went to.  I’d spent the rest of the time creating a believable past for myself and planning. Forever planning how I would get his answers and make this girl pay for what she did. In month or so before I had actually enrolled in the school I'd come across some information while getting to know the area. I overheard some kids who I guessed went to Belmont High, talking about a wedding coming up.  I could tell that the two girls were vampires like me just by looking them over, so I listened carefully hoping to glean some more information.

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