LMAC | Chapter Twenty-Four

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---Chapter Twenty -Four; I'll Show You---


(If you had been in my life you would know everything)

His blue eyes came into contact with mine and I felt a feeling of warmth spread across my cheeks. I quickly avoided eye contact with him after that and bit my lip deeply, a metallic feeling entering my mouth. T-That can't be it, just imagine, me and Tamaki. I bet the gods couldn't even imagine that happening. Besides Tamaki has no interest in me, he has no interest in any girl. . we're just toys for his entertainment I guess. And there's no way I'd want to be in a relationship with someone in the Host club, that would cause too much commotion.

To be fair, I've barely thought of relationships. I usually reject guys without giving them a chance, but, honestly it's for their own good. I just wasn't meant to fall in love.

I frowned once the room was once again filled with chatter. I looked up, wishing their were speakers that erupted with music. Pop, classical, I honestly didn't care at the moment. The lack of creativity inside the cafe bugged me a lot more then it did when I was younger. "Tamaki. .arent you going to play the piano?" I asked out of the blue, ignoring the feelings that came up when his attention was drawn on me. "Actually, I'm not feeling up to it right now. I'm starving. ." he moaned hungrily, fake crying. "Senpai. .please stop. It's embarrassing." Haruhi muttered but he then happily pinched her cheek. "Ah! Haruhi you're so adorable!" he giggled which only irritated her more.

"Well, Haruka, why don't you play the piano?" Makato entered the conversation, smirking. To be honest I just didn't want to play the piano, not only is it not my favorite instrument but I don't even know that many songs. "Haruka cant play the piano. . .she can only play the violin." Shido answered and I felt something break inside of me. I frowned deeply. "You would know that I can play the piano if you hadn't abandoned me." I retorted. The table slowly lost its chattering noise at the sound of my comment. Shido widened his eyes though I don't know what more he did considering I was already out of my seat, glaring daggers at the piano that drew closer and closer towards me the faster I walked.

I'll show him, I'll show him how much I've changed. I'll show him what's missed out on ever since he left me, I'll show him. I placed my finger above the black and white keys, pressing my finger on a note that flooded the room with its echoing noise. A singular note, a singular key could contain sadness, anger, happiness, or even confusion. It can contain so many emotions at one time, the piano is different then any other instrument I'm come into contact with. It will never be my favorite, only the most intriguing.

I could feel the sadness of the music seep into my body slowly and spread throughout my veins. Or. . .no. . .anger, that's what it is. The smooth brown wood curled underneath the keys in which my delicate fingers pounded forcefully on. I didn't know what the orgin of the anger inside of me came from. .maybe Shido, my father, or just everything in general. .Then it finally hit me on why the piano was never my favorite instrument, it's because it was my punching bag.

Everytime I played the piano it brought out all of the anger buried at the pit of my stomach, and yet for some odd reason I yearned to let it out on the beast of a piano. I poured my soul and heart out on this instrument because it's all I could do. Whenever I played the piano it was never the prettiest sound. .and it's because. .because. .

The next note leaped from the piano before I even got the chance to put my finger down on it, bringing me out of my deep thinking and looking to my side, only to blush and widen my eyes at those majestic blue ones. Tamaki winked at me. "You're playing the piano too hard. .you're making it sad." he chuckled, the emptiness of the room entering again. "Watch me." he whispered, and started to dance his fingers across the keys.

His movements were soft, gentle, and swift. He played the piano as if it was a newborn child and it was his dedication to protect it. I watched his keystrokes intensely and wondered how he didn't have the urge to let his anger out on the piano. But, the problem could also be me. I licked my lips and stretched my fingers out by my side before jumping in the song with Tamaki, increasing the sound and pace of the song.

 I licked my lips and stretched my fingers out by my side before jumping in the song with Tamaki, increasing the sound and pace of the song

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The soft and mournful music flowed through my ears and into my soul, wrapping and consuming me completely from head to toe. I closed my eyes, secretly not wanting this moment to end. I wanted to desperately savor this I know beauty before it seeps away from me. It was almost as if we brought the mound to life by the pressing of our slender fingers. Tamaki shut his eyes as he rocked with the music, our hands touching briefly while we played.

The song started to break down into deprecate pieces, giving us time to soothe and finish the song carefully. Tamaki took a soft breath as our hands slowed down until I had played the last note of the song. A moment of utter silence came forth before the loud sound of clapping followed. But, the for me who were in the room was Tamaki and me. I looked at Tamaki who was already watching me as he did a silly smile. "See? Now the piano is happy." he joked, placing his warm hand on mine.

I could feel my cheeks heat up. N-No, I don't like him. . .I c-can't like him. . .

I opened my mouth to speak, to say something amongst the applauding of everyone, but I closed it when I heard the ching of the door closing. I glanced to my side, seeing that Shido was no longer in his seat.

Shido. . .

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