Ally: Well, as much as I really LOVE scooping popcorn into paper bags I'd have to say on a scale of 1 to 10 I love it about -7

Ally: Why do you ask?

Hannah: Well the mud wrestling event went over really well.. Like REALLY, REALLY well.. We brought in triple our usual profit from an entire weekend in a single night and so Mamrie wants to talk with you about the possibility of you working full-time as the event coordinator at the club

Ally: Seriously?

Hannah: Yup, she's gonna be at the club tonight doing stock and inventory so she said to tell you if you're interested to stop by and talk to her

Ally: Holy taquitos! Yes, I'm super interested! I'm done class at 2:30 - Is that too early to head over?

Hannah: Nope, she should definitely be there

Ally: This is amazing!!!

Ally: Thank you!

Hannah: I don't know why you're thanking me, this is all you babe


Camila: So do you wanna tell me why random people keep coming up to me and telling me you love me?

Lauren: Seriously!? OMG! I can't believe it's working

Camila: What's working?


Camila: ?????

Lauren: See you tonight! 


Camila: Lauren????

Camila: ANSWER ME!?

Camila: Seriously?

Camila: Ugh


Camila: Do you know why people keep coming up to me and telling me Lauren loves me?

Normani: Maybe she paid them???


Camila: Did you pay these people!? 

Camila: It happened again when I went to the campus coffee shop...

Camila: Twice

Lauren: I haven't paid anyone, anything

Camila: So then what the hell is going on!?

Lauren: ....

Camila: Are you serious right now? You're not gonna tell me??

Lauren: Nah

Camila: I'm trying to study and this is making it very hard to do so

Lauren: LOL

Camila: I hate you

Lauren: ..I know, that's what I'm trying to fix

Lauren: I gotta go, I'll see you tonight

Camila: Shit.. Laur, I didn't mean it like that

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