Hale House

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Ryann was moaning on the couch with blankets piled on top of her and Stiles forcing her to eat pizza.

"Ryann, c'mon, you gotta eat," Stiles pleaded.

"I can't," she groaned, rolling around to face the oter way.

"No you don't, com'ere," he sighed, rolling her back over to face him. He tapped her face til she opened her eyes again. "Comon, please,"

"Nnnn," she shivered. Stiles was about to go get another blanket when someone banged on the door. He was relieved to open it and see Isaac and Scott standing there with Alison in tow.

"Hey," Isaac waved his hand a little.

"Thank God. Alison, the note?" He asked, ushering them in. Alison handed him a folded piece of paper.

"She's coming off it, but she's still a little high," Scott whispered to Stiles, who nodded.

"Ryann, there's something from Peter," Stiles said softly as he sat down on the couch. She sat bolt upright an then immediately moaned, indecisive on whether her stomach or her head felt more on fire. Stiles shhed her. "Eat something and you can have it,"

"N'kay," she agreed immediately. She sat up and ate an entire piece of pizza, to Stiles delight. He gave her the note and she unfolded it hastily. It read:

I'm sorry I left. I thought I was to be back in an hour's time, but I was rebitten. So of course I will need a bit more time to fix this- maybe a half a day. Take care. Don't sleep, keep warm, and eat. Let Stiles' take care of you. I'll be alright.
Love, Peter'

Ryann read the hastily scribbled note three times over before looking up at Stiles.

"He says he'll be okay," she croaked.

"I told you he'd be alright," Stiles smiled.

She nodded. Alison walked up behind Stiles and smiled dorkily at Ryann.


"Hey, babygirl,"

"Lets get you cleaned up,"

And with that, Alison lifted up the other girl and carried her out of the room.

"Thanks, lovie," Ryann said when Alison set her down in the loo.

"Well, I sort of owe you 'cos of all you did for me. And I sorta left you, yaknow, getting high,"

"Are you high right now?"

"Was. Kinda,"

"I'm gonna get a shower,"

"I'll sit, make sure you don't collapse,"

Ryann smiled tightly and turned. She could barely hold herself up. Alison saw her go down before she could react. It was like Ryann's legs just gave out and then she was on floor. Stiles ran in and, upon seeing Ryann on the floor, his heart dropped. Alison was kneeling over her with a sort of glazed expression.

"No pulse," she whispered.

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