Lafayette - Thomas Jefferson....


Lafayette - Cmon John!
John - No!
Lafayette - Why not?! It's just the fucking grocery store!
John - Every where I go people think I'm a freak!
Lafayette - If you keep thinking that that's what people are going to think, you're never going to get anywhere in life!
Lafayette - Please've been starving yourself. I want to buy you food!
John - You'd tin have to spend your money on me.
Lafayette - I want to.
John - Well, why can't you go there by yourself! It's not like I'll be able to tell the difference between chocolate and white milk!
Lafayette - I don't know what you like! I'll tell you what your looking at. Please John. I'll be there with you.
John - ...fine. But let's make it quick.

Lafayette and I walked to the grocery store together. I hid behind my jacket and tried to pretend that I was hiding a left arm in my coat. I stuffed my hand in my other pocket so that people won't see that I have a broken timer. And well, shoes cover my six toed issues.

It was a long and cold walk to the store. Lafayette hadn't gotten his drivers license yet, and I'm not ba,r to go to school. Instead, I just decided to make small talk with him. It was better than sitting in an awkward silence.

John - So...when are you meeting your soulmate?
Lafayette - Oh, um, Friday.
John - Friday?! Today's Friday right?!
Lafayette - Today's Monday John.
John - Oh...well...I'm happy for you.
Lafayette - Yep, I hope she's hot.
John - Yep....she.


Alex - Cool your nuts Herc! I thought you were terrified of meeting your soulmate.
Hercules - I am, but I mean, its destiny, fate, there's nothing you can really do about it.
Alex - I guess. I...I'm really worried about my timer and the person behind it. My timer has been stuck. Every night it will move about an hour, but then it just stops.
Hercules -'s going to be okay. Your timer hasn't exploded, and that means that
your soulmate is out there. He's alive, okay.
Alex - Okay Herc. I'm just...I'm kind of hungry. I'm gonna go pick up some snacks at the grocery store.
Hercules - Okay. See you later Alex! Call me if anything happens with you timer.

I waved goodbye as Hercules left my apartment. I really was starving, and I had put off the grocery store for a while. Now that I don't have any food, I really have no choice. I was so occupied in what I was doing, I didn't even notice my timer start to tick down.


I skipped along to the bookstore on the cool night. My red hair flowing in the wind behind me. I had just finished the biography of Lin Manuel Miranda, so I decided to go get a new book.

I opened the door and smiled at the sudden change of temperature. I walked up to the front desk and slid my book on top of it. I noticed a girl sitting behind the counter who started to stare at me. I mean, she was pretty, but I would never date her. I tried to make it not to obvious that I was gay, but it didn't always work out.

Maria - What's a pretty boy like you doing around here?
Sam - What do you want Maria. I'm just here to get some books.
Maria - I think I could provide some assistance to you.

Maria stared into my eyes with a sexual glare. She slid her hand down my chest and I cringed at the touch. I was still a virgin and I planned on staying one for a while.

Sam - Maria, were not even soulmates.
Maria - Well everyone could use a practice relationship. You don't want your soulmate hating you and how you make love, don't you Sam.

I'll admit, I've told myself that I'm not good enough. I was interested of the thought of having a soulmate. Mostly because I would never expect anyone to love me if it weren't for this. Although, I feel like it's possible to fall in love with someone who isn't your soulmate. That's how my mom and dad got together. Of coarse, my mom ran away with some man that turned out to be her soulmate. My dad was heartbroken and sent me to live with my grandma. I'm actually happy about that. My grandma is the most loving person on earth, the complete opposite of her son.

I was so hidden in thought that I didn't even realize Maria trying to kiss me. I pushed her back and I stumbled into someone. I turned around to see someone dressed in all black. It's like they didn't want to be seen by anyone.

? - Maria, get the fuck back behind the counter. We don't need to add a 67th member to you fucking list.
Maria - Why not?! Ugh, you're no fun.
? - Fuck off.

Maria scowled at the man as she strutted away. I smiled at the man as he turned around. He had his hoodie over his head and dark sunglasses off. I could barely see what he looked like at all.

Sam - Umm...t..thank you.
? - Just stay away from her. We wouldn't need someone throwing away their virginity, now do we?
Sam - How do you know I'm a virgin?
? - Oh cmon, maybe Maria couldn't hear your whispers, but I could. Maybe listen to her advice a little bit. Everyone could use a temporary relationship.

The man shrugged in a sarcastic way and walked out of the door with his hands stuck in his pocket. I was going to check something out, but after this experience, I just don't even want to stay here any longer. I don't care what that weird guy or what Maria said. I just want a soulmate. Someone to kiss me, hug me, cuddle me, and tell me that I'm the world to them.

I slammed my head against the library wall and watched as two men walked into the grocery store. One of them looked like he only had one arm. He quickly hid it behind his coat before I could get a good look at him though. Poor guy, I wonder if he's found his soulmate yet. I'm sure, even if he has a broken timer (which isn't possible) he would still find somebody to love him.

I looked around me and I saw dozens of girls and boys, holding hands and missing at each other. I was just the lonely boy in the middle of them. They all looked so happy with life, they all looked so happy wth each other.

Sam - I'll never be satisfied.
Angelica - Me neither.
Sam - Oh hey Angelica. What's up?
Angelica - Thomas is being a real dick. I wish he was never my soulmate.
Sam - Hey, it'll all be okay.
Angelica - Even though were soulmates, Eliza is dating him now.
Sam - Who doesn't Eliza date.
Angelica - Don't get me wrong, I love my sister more than anything in this life. I will choose her happiness over mine every time. But sometimes, it just seems like she just gets too helpless over every guy she meets.
Sam - She hasn't met her soulmate?
Angelica - No, she's a real believer in dating guys before you've met your soulmate.
Sam - People tell me to do that all the time. Like, Maria and some guy just told me. I guess I just really wanna meet my soulmate.
Angelica - I get it Sam. I feel the same way. Anyway, it's getting really late. I think I'm gonna head home.
Same - Bye Angie!
Angelica - By Samuel!

Atleast I'm not the only one who can her be satisfied.

Angelica is unsatisfied.
Eliza is helpless.
Peggy is unsure.
Theodosia is sure.
Burr is jealous.
Alexander is non stop.
Lafayette is free.
Hercules is excited.
James is worried.
Thomas is cocky.
Maria is sexy.
And John is broken.

I don't know about that Charles Lee though. I've never really met him or heard anything about him that much.

I wonder if he's found his soulmate.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now