Green Willow 2.0

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Hello my dears! So sorry for not updating last night, went through a sad day yesterday and didn't want to translate my sadness into writing something angsty.  Hay, life is sometimes challenging and if we don't hang on, it can make a mess of our thinking.

But, I'm back, still alive and kicking, and in fact, have a little more SPG here for you (wala naman sanang kumontra).  This chapter is a transition to what Shayne has planned for Richard and Dei, the reveal is as usual at the end of the chapter.

What is worse than being self-destructive, can anyone guess? For me, the next worse thing to self-destruction is taking someone down with you. If you watch DTBY, this is the path Tatay Teddy is traversing, and he seems to unwittingly take his family down with him.  In our despair, we may not notice how it is affecting the people we love, because we get so caught up in our misery. Read on my friends and find out what I mean. Don't forget to comment ok? 

By the way, thank you for the love!  I thank everyone who have been voting for my in the Wattpad Spring Fan Fiction Awards 2017! I am so touched that you would think of me :)  I do not hope to win, there are so many awesome writers out there who are more deserving and with more followers, but your  gesture is heartfelt and inspiring.  Thank you so much <3

Dei woke up to Richard's hand inside her night gown, his hand gently caressing her breast. She was spooned against him, one of his thighs between hers. He was asleep but his hands were busy on her, kneading her breast and the other now moved cup her apex. She sighed with pleasure, raising her nightgown to allow his hand to cup her skin-to-skin. The move seemed to wake him, he began kissing her neck.

So this was what married life was like, she thought contentedly. They had fallen asleep only three hours ago, making love after getting intoxicated with the wine they drank from last night's dinner. And now it seems they were t it again, but she wasn't complaining. Her desire for Richard seemed insatiable, she was addicted to his smell, his touch and the feel of his body against hers.

She pulled her night gown all the way up, gasping at the feel of his tongue on one of her peaks. He rolled her nipple in his mouth, hungrily sucking and licking at the hardening tip. Her legs open to wrap around his hips, rubbing against his boxers.

"Good morning baby," He said, looking up at her from her breast, kissing her lips. "You forgot to put your panties on........but I'm not complaining."

"Good morning babe.....I wore my undies but you removed them, remember?"

She shuddered with pleasure as his hand caressed her slit. His mouth travelled down her body, until she felt his warm tongue on her nub, licking, moving in circular motion. Conversation was now lost to sounds of pleasure from Dei.

She stiffened as a powerful climax too over her. Relentlessly, he continued pleasuring her until she lay breathless but still wanting more. She pulled him up and hugged him with an arm, while her other hand encircles his shaft and guides it inside her.

Her tightness is like a warm velvet sleeve around his shaft, and for a moment he is still, savoring her warmth. Her hands cup his face and she kisses him gently, tongue probing inside his mouth. He starts to move, long and languid thrusts, getting all the more turned on by her grinding against his hips. He withdraws almost all the way and thrusts inside her deeply, slowly getting faster, until he is pounding into her, their hips meeting almost violently against each other.

The searing heat of a climax envelopes them both, and he gently bites her neck to drown his groans. He would never tire of this feeling he gives her each time they make love. She draws him closer to her, giving not just physical satisfaction but a oneness, a connection with her that completes him.

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