"I have to tell you this, but seeing Magnus like this is cute but also weird for a person who has lived 800 years" Catarina whispered to Jace. "You and me both" Jace whispered back while Alec rolled his eyes. Magnus walked back in. "You know I can hear you right?" Magnus said. Catarina and Jace shrugged. "So like Jace said this sought of rune is rare. So I had found a rune transfer spell. Its actually-" Magnus started to say but Jace interrupted. "We know Magnus. The name says it all" Jace said which Magnus rolled his eyes. "I have heard about this spell" Catarina said while going through Magnus' spell book."So what do we use to transfer the spell to?" Alec asked.

"It won't work on objects" Catarina said looking up from the book. "So we need mundanes?" Jace asked. "It doesn't have to particularly be a human but any living thing" Magnus added.

Just then Chairman Meow entered and walked right into the table. "What's up with the cat now?" Jace asked. "Its Chairman Meow Blondie. And he is losing his eyesight. Poor Chairman Meow I don't know how long he has?" Magnus said sadly. Izzy walked in. "Hey guys I have an idea" She said.

"What idea could you possibly have when you were not here?" Alec asked. "These walls are pretty thin. Do you want to hear the idea or what?" Izzy asked rolling her eyes. "Fire away" Catarina said. "You guys need a living object to transfer the rune right?" Izzy asked and everyone nodded. "What if that living object is Chairman Meow?" Izzy suggested.

"Hell no!" Magnus said grabbing his cat which was seated on the couch. "Its not a bad idea" Jace said. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Jace" Alec said. "How can you Alexander?" Magnus scoffed. "Magnus look you said that Chairman Meow is getting old and losing his eyesight and this rune is a rune which can make him younger" Alec said. Magnus thought about it. "Fine. But if anything happens to him its on you" Magnus said pointing to Izzy.

"Great. But there's one problem" Catarina said. "And what is that?" Jace asked. "We have two runes that we need to transfer. Which means-" Catarina was interrupted by Izzy "Two objects" she said. "Right" Catherine said pointing to Izzy. Everyone remained quiet thinking.

"What about Church?" Alec asked. "Good idea. We don't know how old that cat is anyway. But what we do know that it was there way before us" Jace added. "Then its set then" Catarina said.

"Wait what about Magnus?" Alec asked concerned. "I have an idea" Catarina said. "I will sit here and research through everything while you guys get everything set up" She said. Everyone nodded.

"So whose going to get Church?" Jace asked. When he turned around Alec and Magnus was busy getting everything ready for the spell while Izzy walked back into the guest room to babysit. "I guess its me" Jace muttered.

"You ready?" Catarina asked as she opened a portal to the Institute. Jace nodded "Give me two minutes and then open it back up" Jace said before disappearing into he portal. Jace walked into the library.

'Thank the Angel Maryse is not here' he thought just as the door opened. 'Maryse!' Jace thought but it was none other than Church himself. He let out a sigh of relief. "Church!" Jace whispered/called out. Church slowly walked towards him. Jace knelt down and opened his arms. Church pranced into his arms as Jace heard footsteps. Just as they were getting a little louder the portal opened. Jace stepped through before the portal closed. "Good timing" Jace said. "Did anybody see you?" Catarina asked. "I don't think so" he answered as Church jumped out of his arms.

After a few minutes the circle was set for the spell as well as the few other things needed for it. Izzy was standing with Simon holding his hand while Jace was carrying Clary. "All we need are Chairman Meow and Church" Catarina said as she stood up from the couch. The two cats walked in snarling at each other.

"Before this spell could start is there anyway to save Magnus?" Alec asked. Catarina let out a sigh. "There is" she answered. "And?" Jace asked. "Is it a difficult spell to perform?" Alec asked.

"No its easy but the it comes with a price" Catarina said. "What is the price?" Magnus asked. She turned to Magnus. She sighed again. "I'm not sure if you're up for it?" Catarina said to which Magnus looked away and was buried deep in thought."Will it turn him back to normal?" Alec asked concerned. "It will of course" she answered.

"And is this the only way?"Alec asked again to which Catarina nodded. 

"Will it kill him?" Jace asked. "JACE!" Alec and Izzy yelled in unison. "What? I'm asking the possibilities" Jace defended. "No" Catarina answered to Jace's question.

"What is the price?" Magnus asked looking up at her. "Magnus-" Catarina started to say but was interrupted by Magnus "What is the price Catarina?" He asked a little impatient.

"Your immortality" Catarina answered which made everyone gasp.

OMG!!! This story is #992 in Fanfiction on 5th May 2017. Thank you so much. Do continue to read and vote and comment.

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