Chapter Thirteen: Such An Admirer

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                I snap my eyes open and sit up. As I find myself gasping, Dad suddenly shoves the door, opening it with panic painted all over his face.

                “What is it, Darlene?!”

                I rub my eyes, surprised of his action. “What is what?”

                He blinks his eyes, taking a step back as if I slapped him. “Y-You screamed and I thought something happened.” He stutters as I look at him with my puffy eyes.

                “I’m coming! I’ve got a bat with me!” Grandma appears behind Dad, looking around my room as if she’s searching for something. She is holding a baseball bat, making me curious if I did scream out loud in my sleep.

                “W-What happened?” Grandma confusingly looks at Dad and I. She lets her hand, the one that’s gripping the bat, fall by her side.

                “I don’t know what’s happening either.” I say, shaking my head.

                “But dear, we heard you scream.”

                “I didn’t.” I say slowly.

                “Yes you did. We heard it downstairs.” Dad grunts, looking annoyed. I look at them, equally confused as they are because I have no idea if I did scream. Grandma nods, confirming that she’s on Dad’s side in this one.

                “I’m sorry if I bothered you.” I say, running my hand through my hair. “I was sleeping and maybe I screamed because of my dream.”

                Dad raises his eyebrows, scoffing at what I said. “I had a weird dream. It’s about this. . .” I trail off as I remember my dream. It’s about this ghost, what’s his name—Christopher I think, who appeared in my dream to confess that he has a crush on me. He’s the reason behind those chills I’ve been feeling and the reason I always feel being watched.

                “We’ll be downstairs. Breakfast is ready.” Dad says as he steps out of my room. Grandma lowers her shoulders, disappointed that she didn’t get to use her bat.

                “I’m sorry.”

                She gives a weak smile. “Don’t worry, dear. There’s always a next time.” She chuckles, covering her mouth with her free hand. “Enough of that, breakfast is ready downstairs. There’s pancakes and orange juice.”

                I smile, suddenly feeling my stomach grumble. “I’ll be down in a minute.”

                “We’ll be waiting.” She closes the door. I run my hand through my hair again as I wonder what this weird feeling in my gut is telling me. I slump back in my bed, covering my face with a pillow before I finally let out a high-pitched, squeaky, real, conscious scream.


                Liam is already waiting outside the shop when we arrived. The three of us together walk in the shop and I’m marveled once again with the flowers but only for a moment because I’m just itching to drag Liam in the garage, shut the door behind us, and tell him everything that has been happening with me in Grandma’s house.

                I still don’t believe in my dream that a ghost has tried to reach me through my dreams to actually tell me how he feels. It’s just impossible that something like that will happen.

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