Chapter One : Hello Summer

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I've always wanted to write a paranormal and romance story so here it is! Tell me what you think about it. :)


Surely thou art a body heavenly

For thou pull magnetic upon my soul

A purest frost ahold but suddenly

Gravity felt onto my every whole

Curved features hypnotically entice

Thy lit horizon seen but for a trace

And at thy poles found warmth not wintry ice

A calidity e’er soft on my face

Vibrant hues define a living frame

Earthen shades dancing through the blackest skies

Humbled cosmos can but whisper thy name

In awe, pallid before thy clement eyes

For one embrace endure I would all hurt

Thou art my goddess and I thy convert

- Anonymous


 - ONE -

Hello Summer

A brisk wind blows by making the trees sway and my hair go out of place. I take the strand of hair that's stinging my eyes out of my face. I doubt it though that it is because of this that my eyes are welling up. The sky above has a hint of grey and something tells me that it is ready to cry along with me. I don't want that to happen so I bravely suck it down. I don't want to ruin this day. Not when we're about to go to grandma's.

                                                               Einslei Grays

                                                    Born on December 12, 1975

                                                       Died on June 1, 2010

It has been a year now since Mom died. The accident devastated us. Specifically Dad and I. 

"Dad." I soothe his back. He's staring down on Mom's tombstone. We've decided to bring roses for her which is her favorite.

My Dad doesn't hide well especially what he feels. Now, I can clearly see that he's in pain. His deep blue eyes says it all. 

Cemeteries are nothing but lonely which is why I don't like it here. Why can't someone be buried in a happy looking place instead of lonely looking ones. Death is a saddening word. Why not make a good side out of it. 

Dad sighs. "Okay. Let's go now."

We start to walk towards the gate of the cemetery. His hands are safely tucked in his pockets while mine is folded in front of me. I trail behind him. I can't find a topic to talk about so I just bow my head and look on the ground. 

I love my Dad so much that I don't want to see him like this. He's my world and he's all I've got. "Dad,"

I jog just so that I'll catch up on him. I wrap my arm around his waist. "I'm excited to see grandma." I smile my most beautiful smile. 

"I am too, Darlene." He smiles down on me. Just the fact that I made him smile makes me smile back. 

Today, we just thought we'd visit Mom before we go to grandma's. After all, today is the start of summer and the day she passed away.

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