Chapter Five : Not Knowing What's There

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                I place my crumpled ‘I’m Taylor Swift’s No. 1 Fan Ever’ shirt into the closet, the last shirt to unpack, along with the other shirts I packed. I didn’t iron any of the clothes I brought since I’m too lazy that I stuffed them all in there in an organized way. Besides, it’s summer. I have all the time I need to iron here.

                On my knees, I slowly zip my luggage, making sure that I don’t break the fragile zipper. After I do so, I crawl slowly towards the bed, raise the sheets, and slip it under there where I know it’s safe to keep.

                I take a deep breath as I stand up slowly, holding my aching back because of an exhausting half an hour of unpacking.

                “Ow.” I groan. A nice massage would be great right now. Just the thought of a message seems like heaven.

                Now that I’m done with the hard part, what should I do now? Taking a shower would be nice. A hot, nice, relaxing bubble bath along with lit cinnamon scented candles all over the room. But with what happened earlier, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

                I think I’ll just change in my pajamas and shower tomorrow. Oh wait—I forgot my pajamas! This is terrible! I need pajamas! Just like I need underwear or toothbrush or Toffee!

                “No, no, no, no, no! I need pajamas!” I mutter under my breath as I rush towards my closet, almost breaking it open, and hastily look for my pajamas. “How can I forget that?! That was in my bring-here-for-summer-to-Grandma’s-yehey list!” I literally throw the shirts that I just placed in here earlier, all of that hard work in half an hour gone, just to look for my pajamas.

                I’ve rummaged through the whole closet, almost tearing it apart, but, may it be hard for me to accept, there’s no pajamas.

                “Darn it!” I quickly head to the door and slam it behind me, a bit hard than what I intended to and I just leave my room like that, like a trash dumpsite, to look for Grandma. This is not good. I have no pajamas and I’m having a pajama nervous breakdown right now and I don’t even know why I’m looking for Grandma!

                “Grandma! Where are you?” I open Grandma’s door and take a peek. The room is covered in darkness that the only hint of light helping me make out things in the room is the light from the window. “Grandma?” I say in my normal voice.

                No response.

                “Grandma? You here?” No response.

                I close the door slowly as I feel a bit of disappointment fill me. Taking a few steps from Grandma’s door, I open Dad’s door, hoping that Grandma’s there and that they’re talking about teeth but Dad is laying in bed, reading a book, and alone.


                Dad flinches and looks at me with shock in his eyes. “Woah. It’s just me, Dad.” I laugh as I say this.

                “You surprised me.”

                “I didn’t mean to. I was just looking for Grandma.”

                “Have you checked in her room?” He puts his book down, resting it on his tummy.

                “I have and she’s not there.”

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