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The waiter soon arrived with our dessert. The ice-cream was served in a heart-shaped bowl. Sliced avocadoes adorned the bowl.

"Enjoy your dessert!" He beamed.

It was so pretty. I didn't know where to start.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just so delicate..."

"We can come here again if you want,"

"Hai!" I gave him a thumbs up.

The night,

I sat in front of the mirror, brushing my wet hair.

I was getting ready to sleep. Afterall, I've been up the whole day.

My phone by the bed, vibrated a couple of times.

Who could be calling in the middle of the night?

I reached for my phone and answered them.

"Ayano!.." Asami cried out on the other side of the phone.

She sounded anxious.

"Asami? What's wrong?"

"It's Kiyoka.."

My stomach churned in.

I quickly get dressed and get into a cab.

"Straight to this address please." I handed the driver, Asami's home address.

"Alright," and with that he drove off to Asami's.

I fiddled my thumbs uneasily.

I tried to remain calm while thinking about the possibilities.

As soon as the cab went to halt, Asami and Kazehaya were outside waiting. She invited me in to speak about it.

"How long has she gone missing?" I sighed.

"About 6 hours now. Her parents contacted us asking about her.." Asami held her forehead.

"We just said that she is sleeping over in her house." Kazehaya replied.

"She told me to wait for her outside the toilet but she never came back. Her phone is engaged too. Kiyoka would never do such things to worry us.. D-Do you think someone might-" Asami held back her words with a worried look.

"We mustn't give up, just yet. Maybe her phone battery died," Kazehaya interrupted.

"Even so. She isn't home.. It's already past midnight! " I argued, "We should go look for her."

Asami nodded quickly.

Suddenly Asami's phone buzzed. Kiyoka's name were on the screen.

Asami instantly answered it.

"Kiyoka! For goodness sake. Where are you?" She ranted.

Her face tightened almost immediately.

"I.. I don't know what you're talking about." Her tone was different now.

"What do you need from her?"

Few seconds later, she ended the call.

"Well? What did she said?" Kazehaya asked impatiently.

"Ayano.. did you.. owe anyone something?" Asami's eyes met mine.

I shook my head, confused. I was starting to have a bad feeling about this.

"What has it got to do with her?" Kazehaya demanded.

"I don't know.. they demanded Ayano to meet them if we want Kiyoka safe."

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