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"I understand that it's hard to believe..but that is the reality right now. " Murei replied calmly.

"I'll see you again in a couple weeks. Please consider this carefully." He stood up and bowed.

I remained quiet. I didn't know what exactly should I say.

"If that is all, I shall take my leave." Murei gestured to the bodyguards and left the room with others.


Yatsuga's voice brought me back into the reality.

The images from my mind disappeared and were replaced with the scent of a chocolate ice-cream.

I took it from his hand and licked the ice-cream.

The sweet chocolatey ice-cream slightly replenished my mood.


"You're welcome. Are you still thinking about it?"

I nodded.

"Take your time to think about it. Don't stress over it."

"What do you think of Father?"

He hesitated, and pondered for a second.

"...I'd say that he is a powerful and commited person. He takes matters of the Takunori seriously,"

He was carefully choosing his words.

"I see..."

I nommed the cone.

He thought once again before saying,"Maybe it's time for you to reunite with your family.. You have been alone, all these years, haven't you?"

I stopped. A little startled from his words.

I know I was. The words were not far from truth. Yet..

"Kiyoka, Asami,Kazehaya.. they filled the emptiness void. The past years may be hard for me, but I had them."

"It makes sense why you didn't want to leave."

I nodded.


My phone vibrated a couple of times in my pocket, I quickly answered them.

"Hey Ayano," the voice called me.


"It's a shame that you couldn't join us. I really wanted you to come. Are you ok?"

"Yes. Thank you. I'm sorry I had a sudden change of plan. Are you guys having fun?"

"I'm glad you're okay, Ayano. You can say we are. Kiyoka and Asami are riding the rollercoaster again. Man, these girls never get tired. "

"Don't tell me you were screaming during the ride?"

"N-no! Psh. What made you say that? I'm just taking a break. And I wanted to hear your cute voice~"


"Is that guy still around? He stopped you from coming with us, didn't he?" Kazehaya groaned on the other side of the phone.

"No. It was my decision."

"Hmmm okay. I don't trust him with you. Ah- I have to go, they are coming. Love you, bye!"

He ended the call shortly.

Yatsuga stood up.

"You don't have to make up an excuse for me. Follow me."

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