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Kazehaya approached me while I was packing my bag.

"Ayano. Do you want to study together today?" He asked.

" I can't make it today. We're visiting Asami. You can come along if you want to," I invited him.

Afterall we are friends.

"Hmm, then I'll come along," He smiled mysteriously.

He's been looking at me in that manner..

I went over to Kiyoka who was waiting for us outside the classroom.

"Are you coming too?" Kiyoka glanced over at him.

"Of course." He rubbed his head.


We chatted a little before stopping at a bench, close to the shops.

"Alright! Each of us has to pick something for her," I clasped my hands together.

"Let's meet up in 20 minutes," Kiyoka instructed.

Kiyoka went to the gift shop while I entered an origami shop.

Kazehaya followed me behind.

"Why are you following me? Don't get the same item as me now," I teased.

" I'll pick something way better." He walked off into the origami shop.

I shrugged, examining each of the origamis.

"Aw! A chibi origami! Kawaii," I picked it off the shelf to inspect it.

It's a shame I don't know how to make one.

I sighed, putting it back as I looked around for others.

I eventually chose an owl origami. It was a little pricy but I felt that it would cheer her up.

The owl had pink blushes and when the wings goes up and down like a real owl.

I went to pay for it at the counter along with other items.

"I wonder what Kazehaya bought for her."

I headed out and sat at the bench, waiting.


"Kazehaya. What did you buy for her?"

He sat next to me, and pulled out a cute red box.

"This is for you," he placed it over my hand.

"For me? T-thanks," I took it reluctantly.

"It's a necklace. It suits you." He smiled.

"Hm..you didn't have to but," I paused,"what did you buy for Asami?"

"Oh. I bought her this." He handed me a big box, "It's a snow globe. I hope she likes it."

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"Actually.. I got an errand right now. So if you could just pass it to her, that'll be great," Kazehaya sighed.

"Alright. Then, I'll see you soon."

"Make sure both of you cheer her up while I'm gone," he waved at me, running off.

"Where did be go?"

"Oh, he said he had stuff to do.." I answered, quickly keeping the red box in my bag.

"Ah. Anyway, I bought her some snacks and a manga! I figured snacks wouldn't be suitable for her at the moment so I had to buy more for her," she smiled happily, "and you? What did you buy?"

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