Chapter 2

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I walked out of my house with all of my belongings dragging behind me in a small suitcase. "It feels like I'm moving all over again." I said to Spencer who volunteered of one of two agents who would be with me until we caught this stalker. "Well at least I'm moving with you." He said teasingly. I chuckled at that as I closed the trunk and walked around to the passenger side of the car. I hopped into the car and Spencer started to drive to my new home for the next little while.

"I really missed you B." I said playfully using his childhood nickname. "Miss you too Mockingbird." He said smiling. "I'm surprised they let you stay on the case. Don't they normally remove agents who are involved with or who have relations with the victim?" Spencer cracked a smile. "You really did read up on my job huh?" I nodded rolling my eyes. "Yea normally they do but I assured Hotch I could handle my emotions while on this case. Besides the team needs me for this case." "I'm glad." Spencer smiled at me. 

"So where are we going...woah!" The house sat at the top of the hill we were currently driving up, with a pool, nice tinted glass windows and an incredible view. "Nice huh." I nodded still shocked. "Its a safe house the police supplied us with." Spence said chuckling as I continued to stare. "I've never had a house this nice." I said as we drove into the driveway.  

I grabbed my back pack and mini suite case then went inside. I did a tour of the house. There were two floors. Top floor had a master bedroom with a red theme. Red duvet, red walls, wooden floors wooden night stands, red lamp shades and big open windows with red curtains. The on-suite washroom had white walls, a fancy cream bathtub, a glass shower, red towels and a cream marble sink. There was a closet full of blankets, towels and first aid supplies on that floor too. 

The second floor was open with a pool in the back a big open living room with one cream couch and two single seat couch, a marble kitchen counter with a metal fridge and stove and finally a big room with an old wooden dinning table. It was a beautiful house and had an incredible  view of Las Vegas. 

"You know there is only one bed right B?" I asked shyly, which he nodded at blushing. "I'll sleep on the floor." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah no. We've shared a bed before we can do it now." I stated sassing him. He chuckled and held his hands up in mock surrender. 

We made our way downstairs after we dumped all our clothes in the room and I smiled at the big window facing the rest of the hill that was covered in lush green trees. "If I had a house like this. I could practice my dance here and work out here than do my writing and music stuff in the living room..." Spencer nodded smiling softly his eyes never leaving me. "Sorry I'm rambling." He shoved my shoulder. "When has that stopped you before?" I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"I'm gonna practice a little if you don't mind Butters then I'll make dinner." He nodded. I jogged upstairs and changed into my black yoga shorts and my black v-neck top, slipping into nude heels. I was tying my brunette hair back as I walked downstairs. 

I walked downstairs to see Spencer reading something he looked up as I entered the room and he nearly dropped his book. I turned on the music and closed my eyes waiting for my solo. When my solo started I let my body relax and take control losing myself in the music. I hummed softly as I ended my head tossed back and my hands outstretched above my head. I relaxed and lowered my hands. 

I opened my eyes to see Spencer wide eyed and smiling, "I forgot how well you dance Lia!" I smiled softly and blushed a little. "Thanks B." I said as I turned the music off and sat down across from him drinking from my water bottle. "I mean I knew you always had a talent for dance! How did you get even better?"

"So how did you manage after I moved?" I asked kicking the heels off and sitting beside him on the couch. "Pretty well. More guys picked on me but when I passed my exams and they couldn't I was laughing. Did you do okay?" I nodded smiling. "With years of practice, I managed." We fell into a comfortable silence as he studied me. 

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