Are You Proud of Me?

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This was kind of inspired from the song Finally by James Arthur. Anyways, I hope you like it. It's more Lucas centric than Rucas.


Lucas was sitting in the kitchen alone enjoying a cup of hot tea. He was enjoying the quietness, something he hasn't had much of in the past few days considering his parents and his younger sister were down visiting. The house has been filled with laughter and happiness, and it made him trilled. But, he needed a moment to himself.

However, that is short lived when he hears the floorboard creak, and when he looks up he sees his father's figure slowly appear from the darkness.

"I thought I heard something," his father says sauntering over and taking the seat directly across from Lucas.

Lucas grins, "I couldn't sleep. I thought some tea would help." His father nods. "Do you want a cup? There is still some hot water in the kettle." His father shakes his head. "You know, I'm really happy you all came to visit. It's nice being all together."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you're happy to see us leave and out of your hair," his father jokes, and he and Lucas chuckle a bit. A silence surrounds them for a second, before Lucas' father speaks up. "You know, I never told you how proud I am of you, son." Lucas slowly pulls his gaze away from his cup and tea, and when he looks up, his eyes are met with his father's matching green ones.

His father slowly exhales, " I'll admit you were hard to handle." Lucas shifts in his seat a bit. "When you were in your teens, you were filled with angry. Your mother and I had no idea where it rooted from, but you were. You were getting into trouble, getting into fights. Then, when you got kicked out of school, your mother and I had enough." His father slowly exhales.

"So, I pushed for a transfer at work. I thought maybe a change is what you needed. The move to New York was a risk. It was either going to be a good thing, or it was only going to make matters worse. Our first week in New York, you were angry beyond belief. You locked yourself in your room refused to talk to anyone."

"That change a few days after you started school. You slowly started coming out of your room, your mother and I noticed that you were smiling more and attached to that phone of yours. We had no idea what had gotten into you, but we were happy, as long as you weren't getting into trouble." His father smiles. "Your grades started reflecting what your mother and I always knew you were capable of. You started asking if you could hang out with your new friends, and we were more than happy to allow it. We thought these new friends of yours were responsible for your new change in attitude, and maybe they were, but I really think it was one in particular."

Lucas can't help the smile that spreads across his lips. "Riley Matthews," his father says smiling. "Do you remember the first time you brought her over to meet us?" his father asks, and Lucas slowly nods. "Do you remember what your mother said?"

Lucas' smile only widens. "She said that Riley was going to be someone that is always going to mean something to me. She said that I have to hold on tight because someone as precious as Riley only comes around once in a blue moon."

His father nods, remembering he was hiding around the corner while his wife told their son those exact words, and him thinking the same thing. He looks down at his son hands and sees the silver wedding band that rest on Lucas' left hand, and he remembers his son's wedding day.

He remembers seeing his son before the ceremony, and the nervous wreck Lucas was. He remembers thinking today in the beginning to the life his son has always wanted since he and Riley became an official thing. He remembers thinking how happy he was for his son, and his future daughter-in-law, and everything they overcame to get to this point—from that bloody awful triangle, to a miscommunication that almost broke them up in college when they were states apart.

What he really remembers about that day was when Riley was walking down the aisle, but instead of looking at her, he and his wife were staring at their son, but Lucas' eyes were locked on Riley with tears glimmering in his eyes and a bright smile across his lips. And, he remembers his wife's words. 'Our son is finally getting everything he wanted. He's came a long way from that angry boy from Texas, and I don't think it's possible to be more proud of him than I am today.'

When he looks up, Lucas is looking at his father with a smile playing on his lips.

"Riley change you, or rather made you want to change," his father started. "Yes, she is what motivated you, but it was you who pushed yourself in every way possible to better yourself. You started to handle your anger in a conventional way instead of picking a fight, school became a priority to you, became truly happy."

His father takes a deep breath, "Your mother and I are proud of you, Lucas, and I'm sorry it took so long for me to finally tell you that."

Lucas smiles and slowly releases a sigh. "That's all I ever wanted, dad. I can remember the day in the principal's office back in Texas, and I can remember the disappointment on yours and mom's face, and I remember never wanting either one of you feeling like that again about me. I wanted to be the son you and mom deserve, someone Riley deserves. I wanted to be someone you can be proud of."

Lucas' father reaches over the table placing his hand on Lucas' arm and giving Lucas a reassuring squeeze. They talk a little longer giving Lucas time to finish his cup of tea, then they tell each other goodnight and return to their rooms.

When Lucas get to his, he quietly closes the door and presses his back against it. He stands there for a second. He looks to his bed and sees his wife's back and her long brown hair fanned out. He stays locked in his spot taking in the view of his beautiful woman, and he can't help but think exactly how lucky he is. He slowly tiptoes to her side of the bed and kneels down placing a soft kiss on her forehead, and he sees her lips curl into a smile.

Lucas moves lower and lower until he reaches her stomach, and cups it between his hands. His own stomach begins to flutter when he feels movement underneath his hands.

"Daddy can't wait to meet you," he whispers. "Just a few more weeks, and you'll be here. I love you and your mommy very much." Lucas presses his lips against Riley's stomach.

"And I love you very much," Riley whispers. Lucas slowly looks up only to see a pair of brown eyes looking at him.

"Hey," he whispers.

"Hi," she says.

"Hi." Both smile at their old exchange.

Riley reaches over patting the spot next to her, and Lucas doesn't need her to say a single word as he slowly stands up and moves to his side of the bed.

As soon as he lays next to her, he lays his hand over her and on top her stomach. Lucas can feel Riley scoot closer to him and readjusting herself to get comfortable. He moves his hand for just a second to brush the hair that had fallen in front of Riley's face behind her ear, and then back to her stomach. And the only thought running through his mind after talking to his father is he finally has everything he can ever want—his life with Riley and their soon to be child, and his father finally telling that he is proud.

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