Lust to Love

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Anon requested a one shot based on the song Shape of You. I don't know what you were thinking, but I hope this is okay. Please tell me what you think.


Lucas has just gotten home from the clinic. It was a long day. He had seen one animal after another, with little to no down time at all. Lucas loves his job as a veterinarian, but he was relieved that it was Friday.

He tosses his keys on top of his kitchen counter and saunters over to his fridge, reaching in grabbing a beer. The sound of it popping open is sweet music to his ears. He takes a long swig followed by a satisfying sigh, but that quietly turns into a groan when a loud knock intrudes his apartment. Lucas just wanted to enjoy a quiet night in alone, with his beer, his couch, and remote.

He moves swiftly across his apartment, taking a drink of his beer, and when he opens his door he is greeted with his overly eager best friend.

"Lucas!" Zay exclaims. He pushes his way inside patting Lucas' back on his way in. Lucas watches Zay walk over to his kitchen and mimicking his actions from earlier. "Why aren't you dressed?" Zay questions as soon as the glass bottle is away from his lips. A look of confusion spills across Lucas' face. "Didn't you get my message?"

Lucas shakes his head as he reaches into his pocket. "Today was so busy, I didn't have any time to check my phone." Lucas scrolls through his messages.

Tonight we are going out. Guys night!

Lucas lets out a little snicker after reading it. He turns his attention to Zay, "It's never guys' night. You drag me to a club and leave me while you work your 'magic'," Lucas uses air quotes, "on some poor lady." Lucas chuckles.

Zay rolls his eyes, "It's not my fault you choose to sit there and not do anything." Zay takes a drink of his beer. "I mean the ladies swarm to you, and you don't blink an eye."

Lucas shakes his head. "Yeah, but they are only looking for some fun for the night. I'm twenty-five. I'm looking for something further than a one-night stand."

Zay groans. "Okay, how about a compromise?" Lucas nods for him to continue. "We go to a bar. It's not as chaotic, and maybe you'll be more willing to talk to someone. 'Cause Luke," he laughs, "in order to get a girlfriend, you have to meet a woman, and you never go out unless I drag you out. You can't exactly date one of your patient." Zay jokes.

Lucas sarcastically laughs at Zay's attempt to joke. "Do I really have a choice?" Zay smiles while shaking his head. "Give me twenty minutes to shower and change." Lucas slams the rest of his beer before going to his room to get ready.


When they get to the bar, Lucas follows Zay to the bar top to take a seat. Lucas immediately recognizes the difference between this bar and the many clubs he and Zay have been to. One it's not quite as big, but it isn't compacted. There is music playing; loud enough for people to still dance, but not loud enough to overshadow their voices.

A woman with honey colored skin and auburn curly hair approach them from behind the counter. "So, what can I get for you two handsome guys?" She smiles coyly at them. Lucas returns the smile politely and orders a beer.

"I'll have the same as him...and your phone number," Zay smirks at her.

She chuckles lightly. "I'll get those drinks for you." She shifts over to the beer dispensers and fills two glasses and then places them in front of Lucas and Zay. Zay watches as she walks away to the other end to help someone else.

"I'm gonna get her number by the end of the night," Zay says confidently.

They hear faint laugher from the end of the bar, and look over to see the bartender laughing with a group of guys. "Looks like you have competition buddy," Lucas teases before taking a gulp of his cold beer.

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