My First, My Last

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mature theme


Lucas and Riley are juniors in high school and have been dating for two years. Within those two years feelings have intensified. They experienced firsts together; first kiss, first relationship, first I love you's. The thought of another first often crossed their mind; they are teenagers after all.

It's Friday night, and Riley was home alone with Maya. Cory and Topanga wanted a night away with just each other, and Auggie was staying the night at Dewey's. Riley and Maya had planned a girls' night in; watch scary movies, much to Riley's dismay, stuff their faces with junk food, and some much need girl talk.

The girls were sitting with the backs pushed up against Riley's headboard watching Lights Out, Maya's choice. Riley is constantly placing her hand over her eyes and peeking through her finger, something she'll regret watching when it's time to go to bed. Maya, on the other hand, has her eyes glued on the screen shoving popcorn in her mouth.

For Riley, the movie seems to last a lifetime. So, when it finally ended Riley let out a sigh of relief. She scurries out of bed to turn on the lights, and scurries back; all while Maya laughed.

"I don't know why I let you convince me I can handle scary movies. I think we both know I can't, and probably will never be able to," Riley say with a slight laugh.

"One day little plant, one day," Maya teases.

The two best friend start to talk about their relationships, or sort of relationship in Maya's case. Her and Josh are still playing the long game, and Riley notices whenever Maya talks about Josh, or Josh just being mentioned, Maya's eyes sparkle.

Maya tries to draw the attention away from her and back onto Riley by asking about her and Lucas' relationship. Riley never gets tired of talking about Lucas, but this is the first time Riley admits to wanting to take thing further with Lucas, and Maya is surprised.

"Are you even prepared? You know, say you two get caught up in the moment," Maya asks.

Riley reaches in her bottom drawer of her bedside dresser showing Maya a box of condoms, "Last weekend, when he walked me home after our date, he snuck in through the window like he always does, and we were in an intense make-out session. I don't know how far we would have gone if Auggie didn't knock on my door ruining the moment."

"Riley Matthews, you dog!" Maya says surprised. "I didn't think you'd be the one wanting to take it to that level. I thought it would be Ranger Rick, himself."

Riley laughs, "I mean look at him. How could I not want to?" Riley blushes. "I just don't know how to tell him I'm ready. What if he doesn't want to? I shouldn't even say anything," Riley says conflicted, and all Maya can do is laugh causing Riley to roll her eyes.

"The question is: do you think you're ready for it? Sex is a big deal, and if you aren't a hundred percent sure don't do it. Once you lose your virginity, it's gone." Riley let's Maya words run through her head.

Riley understand that sex is a big deal, but she knows that she loves Lucas, despite people saying they are too long to know what love is, Riley knows what she feels is something real. She opens her mouth to say something, but stops when she sees a grinning Maya.

Maya is smiling at a message she just received. Whenever she sees his name pop up on her phone, her heart flutters. The older she gets, the closer her and Josh become.

"Peaches, is that Josh?" Maya nods as she smiles.

Maya takes a deep breath, "Would you hate me if I pushed girls' night to tomorrow," Riley doesn't say anything, "He wants to go for a walk and talk." Maya eyes start to shine, "I really like talking to him. I can tell him anything, and he'll just listen to me talk about everything and anything."

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