Thanksgiving Surprise

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It's the morning before Thanksgiving, and I'm in a car with Pappy Joe speeding to the airport. My only class for today was canceled, and I couldn't have been more thrilled. It just means that I can fly back to New York a day earlier to be with Riley.

My parents and Pappy Joe weren't too happy that I decided to leave, but they understood. At least I hope so, Riley and I haven't seen each other since the day I left for college besides our video chats.

She doesn't know that I'm coming, no one does. I wanted to surprise Riley, and I couldn't risk anyone ruining that. As I walk onto the plane, I can't help the smile that takes over my face. It won't be long before I get to see her beautiful face in person. I'll be able to hold her in my arms.

I put my carryon in the compartment above and take my seat next to the window. I watch as people continue to walk on and find their seats. I see a few people that I assume go to my school based on the sweatshirt they are wearing. I guess they are trying to go home for the holiday as well. That's what I'm doing, wherever Riley is, that is my home.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out ready to answer it, when a flight attendant tells me I need to shut it off. I look down to see my momma's picture filling my screen. She's probably just making sure I got on the flight. I press ignore, and send her a quick message.

I'm made it. We are about to take off. I'll call you as soon as I land. I love you momma.

I press send and turn my phone off.

The plane starts to take off, and my grip on the armrest tighten. This is the part I hate, the take off. As soon as we are in the sky, I look at the window and let a small sigh. I'll be in New York soon.

An hour go by when an announcement is made saying that'll we'll be landing in Tennessee due to the weather. Groans from the passengers, including myself, fill the airplane. I can't believe this is happening.


After talking to one of the employee behind the desk, I go and sit down pulling out my phone and turning it back on. As soon as it lights up, one notification after another start to come in. Mainly text messages from my momma and Riley.

Riley called. She said she tried calling you. She isn't in New York. She went with Maya and her family to California.

Come home. It makes no sense for you not to be here now.

You'll see her for Christmas. I love you.

There is no way Riley would leave and not tell me, would she? I feel my heart drop, and the possibility of seeing Riley just for a few days is gone just like that.

Well, I'm in Tennessee right now. The weather was too bad to fly. I guess I'll see the soonest I can get a plane back home, hopefully before tomorrow. I'm sorry I ruined Thanksgiving. I love you, too, momma.

I press send and instead of automatically checking Riley's text. I move back to the counter to see when the next available flight to Texas, which is in about two hours, if the weather is okay. I move back to my seat and pull my phone out, so I can see what Riley sent. Just thinking about her makes me smile, but knowing I'm not going to see her makes my heart ache.

I tried calling you, but it went straight to voicemail. Your mom told me you wanted to surprise me. Can I just say I have the best boyfriend? Because I do. I don't know if your mom told you, but I'm in California. Call me when you can. I'll explain.

I love you so much. We'll see each other soon I promise.

I skip texting her and call her right away. The phone rings once and her voice is bouncing through filling my ear.

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