I Remember

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An anon request based on the song Two Is Better Than One. I had so many different idea running through my head for this one. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one, but I hope you enjoy.

Riley had just dropped the bombshell that she might be moving to London, and Lucas feels like someone just ran a truck right through his heart. They had been through so much to get to this point, finally being together, and now there is a possibility of it all being over when it was just getting started. Lucas couldn't fathom the idea of living without Riley in his life, but if she moves thousands of miles of away, that's what might happen.

Lucas and Riley had just had a heartfelt conversation on the stairs, but it was cut short when Maya pulled her away. He wanted to stop Riley from going, but he knew she needed time with Maya. Lucas watches the two walk up the stairs and out of sight, and he feels a pang in his chest. When he walks back into Topanga's, he realizes this isn't where he wants to be right now; he'd rather be alone. Lucas doesn't say much when he leaves. He didn't need to; everyone understood.

He had thought a long walk alone would help with the sharp pain in his chest, but it didn't. If anything, it made it worse. He walked to places he and Riley had made memories at and places he wanted to make memories as a couple at, but may never get the chance.

When Lucas gets home, the sun was just setting. He checks his phone before walking, hoping Riley had texted him, but nothing. He shoves it back into his pocket before walking inside.

"Lucas, can we talk to you?" his mother asks from the living room couch.

Lucas quietly groans. "Momma, I just...I want to be alone."

His mother sighs standing up from the couch. She knew about Topanga's job offer, and she selfishly wanted Topanga to decline it. Mrs. Friar is worried that if Riley leaves Lucas will start unraveling and revert back to the person he was in Texas. The person Lucas wanted to leave behind, but with his light gone, it's easy to get caught in the dark. Lucas worried about the same thing.

Lucas takes a step towards the stairs, trying to escape to the comfort of his room. "Lucas," Mrs. Friar calls out. Lucas slowly turns around to face his mother. "Talk to me sweetie."

He swallows back the lump in his throat and parts his lips, but quickly stops. Mrs. Friar can see his bottom lip quiver. Lucas inhales a shaky breath. "I...I'm not ready for it to be over," he voice cracks. He blinks back the tears that desperately want to fall. "I'm just going to go to my room," he says above a whisper. His mother nods, and turns on his heels and makes his way up the stairs.

Halfway up, he hears the front door open and close. He doesn't turn around; he just wants to be alone.

"Lucas, are you going to bed already?" his father asks and Lucas simply nods his head continuing up the stairs. "Is he going to be okay?" Lucas hears his father try to quietly ask his mother. Mr. Friar had been just as worried about his son.

"Not if Riley leaves," his mother sadly answers.


Lucas closes his bedroom door and pushes his back against the door. His chest slowly rising and falls, and he's trying his best to hold back his tears. He uses his hands to push himself off the door and towards his bed. He collapses down on the foot of his bed, feeling the defeat of the day.

Lucas pulls out his phone and fumbles with it, hoping that the screen with glow with a call, text, anything from Riley, but nothing. He hopelessly tosses it to the side. Right now, all Lucas wants to do is be with Riley. She's the only one that can provide any warmth.

He pushes himself off his bed and moves to his closet and reaches in the back. He pulls out a box that holds all his memories with Riley. He carries it back to his bed and starts his path down memory lane.

The first thing he pulls out is his subway stump, June 27, 2014. The day it all started. He remembers everything about that day; but mostly he remembers the light that emulated from her eyes when she fell into his lap, and the small flutter in his stomach he felt when she smiled at him. He had never felt something like that about a girl, and he thought that maybe there was something between the two of them. After getting off the subway that day, he didn't think he'd ever see her again; and he remembers feeling disappointed. But, walking into his new school, his first class, he sees Riley sitting there in the front. That's when he knew something good was in the making.

He shuffles through the box, and he sees the Romeo and Juliet program and smiles to himself. He remembers how nervous he was thinking that it was going to be his and Riley's first kiss. He was relieved when Farkle stole the show, not because he didn't want to kiss her, but because he didn't want their first kiss to be forced; he wanted it to happen because it was something they both wanted.

He continues to look through the box and sees the name tag she made him when they had detention. Lucas knew Riley was jealous, even though he knew Riley wasn't sure that's what she was feeling.

Lucas looks through the mountain of movie stumps that they collected over time; some alone and some with their friends. He chuckles quietly to himself when he starts to read through the movie titles, specifically the horror ones. He can remember clearly how Maya would have everyone on broad to watch a scary movie expect Riley, but when she would finally agree, she would roll her eyes before pouting 'fine'.

He keeps moving things around until he find another subway ticket; March 27, 2015, his and Riley's first date. Thinking about it now makes his heart clippity clop; the way it always does with thoughts of Riley. He remembers stopping mid sentence and the hitch in his breath as he saw her walking down the stairs. He remembers her purple sparkly dress and the way it made the brown in her eyes sparkle just as much. He remembers the butterflies in his stomach, the beating of his heart, the nerves that consumed him. What memory stands out that whole evening, is Riley kissing him. Lucas runs his fingers across his lips, remembering the taste of her kiwi lip gloss.

Lucas reaches into the box and pulls out a small picture frame. His mom had pressed the orange leaf Riley gave him when they officially became a couple. Lucas had managed push back the tears, but as he traces the picture frame he can feel tears start to form in his eyes. Lucas always knew that it was Riley; he knew that the two of them together were always better together than they were apart.

A single tear pushes its way through, and Lucas swiftly brushes it away. It's just a possibility of Riley leaving, and it has him falling apart. He continues to trace the frame until a soft knock on his door pulls him out of his own thoughts.

"Mom, I'm fine," Lucas shouts with a shaky voice.

"It's not your mom," the person on the other side says. Lucas would recognize that voice anywhere. He springs himself from his bed and rushes to the door. When he opens it, he sees his beautiful girlfriend smiling at him.

He steps to the side making room for Riley to walk in. "Ri-Riley," he chokes out, "what are you doing here?"

"Lucas, my family is staying in New York. I'm staying!" her smile reaches her eyes the first time in days.

"You're really staying?" Lucas asks in a daze, and Riley nods, the smiling not once leaving her face. The same bliss captures Lucas' lips, and he pulls her into her arms; holding her tight as he spins her. "Thank god!" he says relieved.

Riley notices the sadness in his eyes disappear. She looks over his shoulder at his bed and sees a mixture of things scattered around. "What were you doing?" She walks towards the bed and notices the orange leaf, and she smiles.

Lucas follows rubbing the back of his neck. "I was remembering the good times."

They both sit on the bed and start looking through all the memories they created together, and each sharing what they specifically remember; what they felt during that moment.

"Lucas," Riley softly says, and his green eyes meet hers, "whatever the future holds I want you apart of it." A hue of red runs up Lucas' cheeks, and Riley takes notices.

Silence falls between them as they look through the box, but it's a relaxing and comforting silence. He can feel the fluttering in his stomach and the racing in his heart; everything that happens when Riley is around.

Lucas wasn't ready to say goodbye to Riley, he never will be because together they are better.

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