Not Everything Stays in Vegas

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I look out the window of the airplane as it touches ground in Vegas. It was a Christmas gift from both of our parents. I just turned twenty-one a few weeks ago, and Maya manage to convinced both of our parents that this was something we needed.

As soon as we are off the plain, she pulls me to the baggage claim area to get our suitcases, and then we rush outside to get a taxi.

While we are outside waiting, I pull out my phone and log into my college portal but before the page can load my phone is snatched out of my hand.

"No school. We are on Christmas break and in Vegas!"

"I just want to see if I passed my finals."

Maya rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "No. I know you did great, and if you check and your grade is even half a point off where you want it, you will beat yourself up for it. So, no."

I groan, "Fine. I won't check."

"You can check in four days when we are back in New York. For now, we are going to get crazy. Who knows, you might meet someone and get married."

"HA HA, very funny."

"Oh right, you're in love with your tutor."

"Whatever," I laugh.

A taxi becomes available and we hurry to it. The drive is about fifteen minutes, and once we pull up front of the hotel both of our eyes widen. We've seen pictures of it, but to be here in front of the Bellagio it's more beautiful in person.

Maya is the one who checks us in, I'm too memorized by the beauty.

"C'mon our room in on the fifth floor." We excitedly rush our way to the elevator with our suitcases. Maya and I are bouncing on our toes as we move up.

When we get into the room, I am in awe. It's beautiful. An orange and white pattern wallpaper. A single queen bed in the middle of the room with a white comforter with blue and orange throw pillows on the bed. Brown bedside tables on each side of the bed with a larger one by the door with a TV mounted on the wall above it.

Maya and I are instantly drawn to the baby blue sofa bench by the window. We drop our stuff on the floor and move to take a seat. The sun is just setting, and we watch as the lights slowly start to turn on around the city. It's marvelous.

Maya starts to stand, "Okay get ready, we're going out."

"Out? But we just got here. Shouldn't we rest?"

Maya throws her head back laughing, "We only have three nights here. We are going out."

It's ten o'clock when we are both finally ready. Maya has on a warm fitting red dress that goes to about her mid-thigh with black pumps. She has a smoking eye with a dramatic red lip color. Me, on the other hand, has on a little black dress that flares out with nude heels. My make-up is nothing like Maya's, just a little eye-liner with a little mascara and a tint of red for my lips. The only thing that is similar on the both of us, is our hairstyle. We both have our hair cascading down our back in waves.

We get to the club, and I feel on edge. There is so many people. I never go out, only occasionally when Maya drags me out with her.

"Let's get you a drink, so you can loosen up," Maya grabs my hand and pulls me to the bar. She orders two gimlets. It takes a couple of minutes for the bartender to make our drinks and place them in front of us. I take little sips, but Maya downs its. She really is here to party. I guess I'll be babysitting her tonight.

The night goes on and Maya continues to order a variety of drinks for the both of us. I cut myself off after four, but Maya keeps going. I drink enough, to relax a bit but I can still keep an eye on Maya. Throughout the night we move between the dance floor and the bar, and we ignore the few guys that try to hit on us.

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