Do You Believe in Miracles?

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Lucas and I have dated all throughout high school, and when college came he went to Texas to go to the school he dreamt of since he figured out he wanted to be a veterinarian. I stood here in New York and went to Colombia to study English.

The four years we spent apart were difficult. In the beginning, I wanted to drop everything and follow him to Texas, but Maya didn't let me. Lucas wanted to do the same and come back to New York, but I didn't let him. He needed to fulfill all his dreams and A&M was one of those, so I didn't let him give it up.

We had our fights that were due to ill communication. Or one of us believing that we were stopping the other from experiencing the full college experience; meeting new people, going to parties, having fun. But no matter what happened, we fought for each other. We never once gave up on one another. We loved each other too much to let it all go away.

When graduation day came for him, I flew down to Texas with my parents and Auggie. We all went to support him achieving yet another drink. Then he flew back to New York with us a few days later for my graduation.

On my graduation day, Lucas found me after the ceremony he approached me when a little black box. My heart was pounding out of my chest. We always talked about getting engaged when we both established a career, so when I saw him pull the box out I didn't know what to think. That was until he opened it. Instead of looking down at an engagement ring, my eyes landed on a shiny silver key.

He told me that this was always the plan to move back after college and start a life here with me. Moving in with one another was the first step into building our future together as adults.

Almost two years go by, and Lucas has made a name of himself as a veterinarian. Farkle helped him with a loan to start a practice instead of going to a bank. For myself, my dad helped get me an interview at the high school for an English teacher a month after my college graduation, and that's where I've been working as a junior English teacher since.

It's a Tuesday evening, and I'm in the kitchen making dinner for Lucas and I; his favorite chicken fettuccini. I have music vibrating throughout the room. When my favorite song comes on, I turn it up a little more. I can't help but to sing and dance along.

I must have had the music playing too loud because soon I feel arms being wrapped around me from behind. I instantly recognize the touch and lean into the hold. I feel soft warm lips touch my neck and a rush of excitement runs through my body. I turn around and my eyes meet the bright green ones that I fell madly in love with. Lucas smiles at me as I push my lips against his. We stay lost in each other embrace for a minute. We've been together for years, but every kiss with him always sends butterflies through my stomach.

I wiggle my way out of his grasp to lower the music, "You're home earlier than usual. Not that I'm complaining."

"It was a slow day today, so I closed up a little early." He takes one step and he is in front of me. I see a smile play on his lips, "You didn't have to stop your show on my account."

I laugh, "Are you hungry? I made your favorite."

"Ooo, a show and dinner," he pulls me closer, "You're the best," he softly kisses me. I try to deepen it, but a pain in my lower stomach makes me pull away clutching the area.

"Are you okay, Riley?" Lucas asks rubbing my back with concern in his voice and on his face.

I nod, "Yeah. It's just cramps. I'll take ibuprofen, and I should be fine."

"Are you sure? You've been dealing with them for a few weeks."

"If it doesn't get better, I'll go to the doctor's office. Deal?"

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