You're My Light

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A request by siennese. She wanted a version of a Christmas Maya where Lucas was involved. This is what came to mind. I hope you like it.


Riley had just gotten home from her the gift exchange with her friends. When she walked in, she saw her parents and Auggie were curled up on the couch. They were watching Home Alone, but instead of joining them she went straight to her room.

She had been busy all day trying to get Maya into the Christmas spirit and finding the perfect present for Farkle to think about how Lucas left without saying a word to her, but now that she was alone; it consumed her thoughts. Riley changes out of her Christmas theme sweater and into green and red Christmas pajamas. She drags her feet across her bedroom floor to her bay window taking a seat and tucking her legs underneath her.

Riley stares out her window, and she sees a couple hand and hand. She can't help but feel a small pang in her chest. Why didn't Lucas tell me he was leaving? She thinks to herself. Am I too much that he had to leave to avoid me? Her thoughts continued.

Riley is deep in thought when her open laptop on her desk starts ringing. She glances over and sees a video chat request on her screen. She pulls herself up from the window seat, and as she steps closer to her desk, she sees Lucas' name. Her heart starts to fasten; Lucas has that effect on her.

She picks her laptop and walks back over to the bay window clicking accept. Lucas' face fills Riley's screen and the pitter patter of her heart quickens.

"Hey," Lucas' voice echoes through her room.

"Hi," Riley's brown orbs meet Lucas' green ones.

"Hey," he smiles.

Riley opens her mouth to say the final hey, but instead she shakes herself out of her Lucas daze and shoots daggers at him.

"You know, you're cute when you're angry," he jokes. However, Riley doesn't find it so funny and continues to glare at him. "Okay, okay you have every right to be mad."

Riley huffs, "How was it that I was the only one to not know that you left?"

Lucas lets out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry."

"If you didn't want to be part of Secret Santa, you could have just told me not fled all the way to Texas." The words tumble out of her mouth.

"Whoa Riley," Lucas holds up his hand, "I didn't leave because of Secret Santa. Pappy Joe wanted us to come spend the holidays here in Texas. I should have told you, but to be honest I didn't want to see you upset. You without a smile on your face is like Santa without his white beard," Lucas and Riley share a small laugh. "I didn't want to be the one responsible for making your smile disappear."

He takes a deep breath, "Zay was here when Pappy Joe called badgering my parents to come, so that's why he knew. I told him not to say a word until I was able to tell you, but I guess that didn't work out too well." Pause. "I was going to call as soon as I landed, but my mom banned all electronics for the day for family time. I barely got it back, and you are the first person I called."

"Oh." It was the only word Riley's brain was able to form.

"Are you mad?" he asks still unsure.

Riley sigh, "I was, but I guess not anymore."

Lucas smiles, and it awakes butterflies in Riley's stomach. "Good, and who said I didn't want to be a part of Secret Santa." Riley tilts her head to the side in confusion. "Just because I left, that doesn't mean I wasn't apart of it."

"But how?"

Lucas snickers, "I have my ways." He sets his phone down, so all Riley see in the ceiling of the room. She hears shuffling, and after a few minutes Lucas' face returns on her screen.

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