Chapter 26- Marriage

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Hello lovely people!Sorry for the late update,i'm so busy with school.
Here's a long one to make up for the delay.

I was planning to leave without any one knowing.I didn't even tell Waleed because he would try to stop me .

With the help of my cousin Hafsah, I planned out the entire travel to Netherlands.

Fortunately on that day, Waleed wasn't home.He was with Dad sorting out some survey problem when Hafsah pretended to be taking me out to relax.We had loaded my travel bags into the car the night before.

"You need to drive faster Hafsah".I said to her when we were out the palace gate.I was afraid Dad and Waleed might see us on the way.She sped and soon we were at the airport.

People were coming to me to take pictures and talk while others were pointing at me talking about the chaos going on between my husband and his brother.The police i had called for company kept me out of the crowd's sight and led me into the VIP section and soon, i boarded my flight.

The police i had called for company kept me out of the crowd's sight and led me into the VIP section and soon, i boarded my flight

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was afternoon when my flight landed in the country.Aasim had sent the address to where they headed to , so i was updated.

I took a cab and said the location of the hospital to the driver.He said the place was restricted to everyone because a king had been admitted into it.I assured him all was okay then he finally agreed to drive to the hospital.

At my arrival at the hospital, i felt uneasy.I was extremely worried about Afaan's health.At the same time i was afraid what my Dad and Waleed would do when they find out i had escaped, and also what Aasim would pull up this time.

I exhaled out deeply and walked in.A group of soldiers suddenly walked to me in alert.I showed them my personal card as a princess and a wife to Afaan.Then they splitted up and bowed their heads for me to walk in.

They directed me to where Afaan was taken to and i walked fast eager to see him.

"Wow, that was sharp!".I heard a voice say.It was Aasim.

He was standing at a corner folding his hands and smiling mischievously.I decided to ignore him and walk past.

"Yeah you can check on him for now, but after then ...well it's gonna be a surprise".He said again.

I turned to him and immediately anger washed over me.I didn't know what to do, or what to say to him.Every punishment sounded too mild.So i told him what would definitely hurt him.

"I understand now that my parents made the right decision for me,and i'm making the right choice also.I can't believe you are a brother to such a wonderful soul.Anyways, i'm going in to see the love of my life, have fun".

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