Chapter 12-Good times

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She walked closer and looked to me.My heart was beating fast.I spoke up seeing she was getting angry.

"Sorry Ammi i brought him dinner".I said and she looked to the dinner tray.

"And then you couldn't leave after that?", she said almost cutting me off.I kept silent and looked to the floor wondering what's going on with my life".And where are the guards here they dared to lock you up?".She said to Aasim, her voice rising".

"Well it's the king's order".He shrugged.Soon, Ammi called the guards and warned them not to do something like that again.I quickly left before Ammi and Aasim.

The call for fajr prayer in the palace mosque woke me up, i got up and proceeded to pray.Afaan had already gone out for prayer as the door to his room was open.

After prayer i leaned at the side of my bed for tasbih.I probably slept off because i opened my eyes in alert when Afaan called out my name.I stood up and went to him. He was sitting tapping the table in front of him repeatedly with his finger.He looked pissed off so i stayed quiet.

"Who gave you the permission to unlock Aasim from the cell?, He asked".I shrieked.

"I didn't, Ammi did".I replied trying hard to sound okay.

"You told Ammi, and she let him out.It's all the same", he pointed out now looking directly to me.I sighed and decided to keep shut and listen to him since he's not going to believe anything i say.

"I love him more than i love myself but he needs to be taught how to behave.Just because he's my brother doesn't mean he can break the laws.Slapping a girl is a total indiscipline".He continued.I yawned and sat on a chair seeing his conversation is just starting.

"Why are you sitting, i'm not starting a lecture.I just want to warn you, not to involve yourself in me and my brother's matters.Let this be your first and last".I raised my eyebrows at how he's seriously blaming me for what i didn't do.

"I already told you, i didn't let him out".I stated in a low voice.

"It would be best if you stop denying.Only you would dare that".

"Okay".I uttered in defeat.He got up and went back to sleep.I stayed for some minutes wondering what would happen when Waleed arrives.I have to try stopping him again.

"May i check the news?", Afaan asked demanding the TV remote from me and i nodded and handed it over to him.I watched him scroll and press, and then the news TV appeared.

"If there is ever a staring competition one day, you should surely participate in it, i assure you are going to win".Afaan said smiling mischievously.I quickly turned away in embarrassment.

"By the way can i get coffee?".He added and i answered yes and stood up.It kind of relieved me as i was so uncomfortable after the embarassment.I headed to the kitchen where the cooks were busy cutting, dicing and grilling.My eyes searched through the dishes looking for what i'm going to serve Afaan, as i now understand his coffee means 'complete- fabulous- breakfast'.

I took the breakfast to him and went to see Ammi.I need to explain things to her, life without her is becoming boring.

She was on her prayer mat when i entered and i nervously waited for her to finish.When she finished i moved towards her and greeted her.She smiled and pulled me into a hug.I looked to her in astonishment.

"You are a good girl.I put the whole blame on you and you are not angry with me, you came to see me.Aasim explained everything to me and i can't tell you how bad i feel for blaming you like that.I'm very sorry my dear.I shook my head and hugged her again.

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