Chapter 17- Married Again

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Dedicated to the sweet ShamiyaQazi for her love for fazza and the story.
Check out her amazing book- 'prince charming'.I love it.
Thank you
I kicked off the shoes from my legs and sat down at the edge of a sofa.I still can't think out the reason why Aasim is behaving this way.I haven't seen him since he left me at the occasion, so i had to wait for the end before i was then escorted to the place we stay at.

I got up and made my way to the room which i was given and performed ablution, prayed zuhr then lay down for some rest.I was struggling to keep my mind off the thought of what happened earlier, but it was hard.As if he knew i needed him,nhis message came.It was a picture with a caption.I felt a hint of joy as the picture loaded.It was a picture of him, with the caption-'Don't ask me how i did that (with my phone).And don't try it with yours, believe me it would crash into tiny pieces'..I laughed out loud.

I can't believe he actually has some sense of humour

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I can't believe he actually has some sense of humour.I thought he was an always grumpy person.Perhaps i was mistaken.I replied him with a picture of me with the caption-
'Don't ask me how i always look better than you, even though i don't do tricky stuff😜.Btw, this picture was snapped just before our wedding'.

Btw, this picture was snapped just before our wedding'

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I felt much better after the conversation with him.Then, his call came.

"Hello tricky man".I answered, he spoke up after some seconds.
"Hy tiny girl.May i speak to Aasim? He's not picking his calls".

"He is... out., yeah he went out after the occasion at the palace".I replied him, feeling nervous by the mention of Aasim.
"Are you alright? you sound withdrawn" he said in a low voice.

"I'm okay, i want to get some sleep, talk to you later?"

"Uhmm".Was his worried reply, and i ended the call.
Just as if i was told to look up, i looked up to find an exhausted Aasim.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked in a worried tone.He didn't reply, he turned and walked away.I got up to follow him.
"S..s..stop following me, you are married, oh wait, you know you look good in this dress", he stammered.I panicked ,bsuspecting something i didn't want to believe.Something is definitely wrong.

"Aasim!i said what's wrong with you?what did you take?" I shouted holding him when he stomped over a marble.I was already shaking in fear.

"Oh, yeah we had some drinks".I shrieked.
"Drinks?, what drinks for goodness sake?what made you do this and why did you do this?"i questioned now starting to cry.

"Ask Mr Fan" was his only reply.

"Did..did something went wrong between you two?", what did he do to you?" I asked in between sniffs.
"He...he...i oo slee..p".He stammered and before i could caught him, he fall on a chair and slept off.

"I was trembling so hard i couldn't stop myself".I walked to his side and sat down on the floor.He must be going through a very tough time, and hiding it from all of us.I sobbed as i watched how peacefully he was sleeping.I lay my head on the side of the chair and closed my eyes...

The sound of the opening of the main door awoke me.A guy walked in, one of Aasim's friend.Probably the guy Rob.I panicked at the position i was with Aasim when he entered.Aasim was still asleep.I heard the sound of a shot and gasped.Rob took a picture of us.

"Fan guy sent me, he said i should take a picture of you and send to him, Sadly Aasim bombarded the picture .He explained pressing his phone randomly .I shrieked.

"It's already sent".He said showing me the picture he snapped.OMG.What will Afaan think, he finished warning me just today.This Rob guy must be really insane, how can he do something like that! I rushed to my room as he started to wake Aasim up.

I was so confused that i had no idea what to do.Afaan must've been worried about how i sounded when we talked last and so he sent this guy.I am the one truly at fault, of course.A female must never be foolish like this, a married woman precisely.Then it clicked on me to check my phone.I found it next to the bed-side lamp and picked it up.Thirteen missed calls, all from Afaan.What the...i'm in deep trouble!

I wanted to call back and hear from him but i was sure he had already seen the picture Rob had sent him.So i just stayed like that wondering what's happening in my life.

After maghrib, i gathered some courage to call him and so i did.He didn't pick the first, the second and the third.I kept calling until he finally picked.Both of us stayed silent for a while before i then spoke up in a very low voice.

"Salam...hello?" I stuttered. "I saw your missed calls", I continued not knowing what to say.He answered after what seemed like years.
"Oh, yes i..i wanted to tell you i...

"Uhm? What?".I asked out of curiousity to know what he wanted to say.

"I'm getting married, again".He completed.My heart started pounding.The world stopped and it was like the earth stopped revolving around.Was i dreaming?

"W..wh.what?"i mean you what?", I asked in a shaky voice.

"I said i'm getting married, again, to a second wife.I have to say bye now because i'm kind of busy".He stated and with that, he ended the call.
I was in total fright and confusion.
Everything is getting so complicated, and i doubt if Aasim is now sober.

I wanted to call back and ask him to who he is getting married to, but i can't even talk.What did i do?, did i just destroy my marriage?It was obvious that Afaan was hurt by the picture he received.Aasim needed support, and he needed someone, that was my reason for staying with him,nbecause he always supported me too.We are friends.My mistake was forgetting marriage for friendship.Now he is getting married again...But it can't be possible.I..i like him.He can't...

I was cut from my thoughts when the door opened.

I knew who it was, from the scent of his perfume.I realised he was walking towards me.I panicked.
"Get out".I said trying to calm myself down.But he didn't listen.He continued coming towards me.

"I said get out! go! go! Please!",i shouted breaking into a loud sob.I heard him stop then sigh, and turned to leave.I continued crying.

Marriage, marriage, marriage!,was all people talked about.Now, i'm having regrets.Yes ,i regret getting married.It holds nothing but sorrow.
To be precise, i feel it's my doom.Astaghfirullah.

Hello guys!i hope you liked it.I literally sacrificed my study time to update this chapter.

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