Chapter 18 -A Sudden feeling

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Salam alaykum my people! Thank you for the endless support, i really appreciate everyone of you.
Finally here is the long awaited Afaan's POV.Enjoy😊

Dedicated to the amazing JessKnightwalker for her great work on the book 'Fazza's poems'.💙💙
Check out her books everyone!Sure you'll love them.❤❤

Afaan's POV

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Afaan's POV

"These papers are already signed".I whined to one of my office assistants, dropping the papers on the table.I'm sure all of them have been wondering what the heck is worrying me, because i have been behaving really stiff and strange lately.

He packed the papers and stopped for a minute, observing me.He turned to leave and then stopped again .
"Your highness, are you okay?evidently something has been bothering you.You can share with me your highness".He said in a pitiful tone.

It's nothing Mohammad, perhaps it's just the stress having an effect on me.Thank you very much for your care", i replied him with a friendly nod.He smiled and left.I sighed and decided to rest for while.But a knock came on the door, and i knew who it was.


She came in and watched me for what seemed like minutes, and then sat on a comfy chair at the other side of the spacious office.I couldn't look at her in the eyes because she would definitely understand how worried i am.No one knows me as she does, well i guess if not for Aasim.

"Afaan, can you come and sit here?", She asked pointing to the seat next to me.I stood up with my head low and sat as she directed.She observed me and shook her head.

"My dear i'm your mother, you can't hide your worries from me.Tell me what's going on with you".My heart raced as she said this.But i couldn't tell her even if i wanted to.I tried to think of something else.

"Oh Mom, i think the stress of work is having it's effect on me.I feel fatigued almost always now.But it's okay, i've made an appointment with a doctor, so i'll be alright soon".I said at once.

She nodded and immediately worry covered her face which made me feel a sudden guilt.I decided to seek advice from her, in a way she would not understand.

"Uhm Mom, there's this friend of mine yesterday that asked for some advice from me, but i couldn't think of anything.I guess you can help? "I asked and she nodded, paying attention on what i was about to say.

"It's my friend from sandhurst, you know, Omar bin Zayed.He has this girl he always loved.He has a friend, who has a girl he loves too.But unfortunately he got to marry his friend's love.And now he's beginning to like her too.What do u think he should do?".I asked her hoping she'll not relate the story to me.

"You mean both your friend and his friend love one girl?", Ammi asked.
I nodded and added "yes mom, it's kind of confusing but that's the point".I said taking an apple from the fruits basket.

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