"Well, we better get going Peaches. I'll get this," she gestures to the cups on the table. Before she can grab them, I reach down and pick the cups up. Our hands brush against each other, and I can see a hint of red rush to her cheeks. She's blushing. I made her blush, maybe she is just embarrassed. "Thank you," she pauses and looks at my name tag, "Lucas."

"You're welcome." She smiles at me and her and the blonde walk out the door.

I watch her walk about the door and I'm memorized by her movement. "It's impolite to stare." Zay says from behind me, "so, stop staring at the boss's daughter."


"You're staring at the boss's daughter."

"You knew what was her daughter?" He nodded, "How? I just found out. Like literally right now."

Zay starts laughing, "You know for someone who wants to be a doctor, you're pretty stupid." He continues to laugh, "do you not notice the pictures of her hanging around behind the counters?" I look towards the counter and I'm greeted by a picture of a beautiful smile that belongs to the beautiful brunette. "That's the girl isn't it? The one you're always talking about." I don't say anything.

"Do you know her name?" I ask a little hesitantly.

He looks at me a little shocked, "You don't know her name?" I shake my head no. "How do you have a crush on someone that you don't even know her name?" I shrugged my shoulders.

I don't know what it is about the brunette hair girl, but she is something extraordinary. I see the little things that she does why she's here in the café. She goes out of her way to help anyone around her that needs any help. I don't know her, but I feel like I do. I just want to have the opportunity to get to know her.


Two weeks go past, and she comes in some days alone and some days with Maya. Yet, I still don't know her name. We'd still steal glances at each other every day that is comes in. I wish I would have said something. Anything. A simple wave would have sufficed, but no I couldn't even do that.

I see her walk in by herself. She walks to a booth in the back and sits down. She pulls out a book from her purse and I can see her already getting lost in the book. I must have been distracted staring at her because before I know it I see a sea of blonde hair block my view of the brown eyed girl. I see Maya place two smoothies down on the table and takes a seat across from her.

"Go talk to her." Zay says nudging me.

"I'll just make a fool out of myself. You know I'm not good at this whole flirting talking to girls thing."

I hear him laugh, "Yeah, I know!" I hear sarcasm in his voice. "I remember you alway putting your foot in your mouth." I roll my eyes and he continues to laugh. "I still think you should go talk to her." I shrug my shoulders, "Man, grow a pair and just-" I get distracted by the two girls snickering. I hear the brunette's giggle and I can't help but smile. "There you go ignoring me again. Rude."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Sorry."

"Go talk to her." I see him look over my shoulder.

I glare at him, "I'm not going to talk to-"

He cuts me off, "Lucas."

"And you talk about me being rude." I scruff. "You just-"

"Turn around man and shut up."

I turn my body and I see the brunette walking towards me. Is she walking towards me? Oh god there goes my heart. It's racing. I see Zay walk away. Great. I need to calm down.

"Hey." Her voice is soft and sweet.

"H-h-hi." I mumble out.

"Hey." She laughs a little, "I normally don't do this, and by your stuttering I can guess that you don't either." I laugh a little to try to let out some nerves. "I'm normally not so forward and I'll probably start rambling. My friend, Maya, " she gestures to the blonde, "has this ridiculous idea that you might possibly have a thing for me. I mean look at you and look at me. There is no way." Is she serious right now? She is gorgeous. "I usually just brush these type of things off. I'm actually never brave enough to even do this. I'm too scared that I'll look silly." She lets out a little laugh. She is actually really cute when she rambles. "But if I didn't say something I'd probably regret it. So...what I'm trying to ask is if you are busy this Friday?"

"I, uh, I-"

She cuts me off, "This was a stupid idea. I'm sorry. I'll just go-"

"No, no. I'm not busy Friday." I see her eyes light up.

"Would you like to maybe go out on a date with me?"

My eyes go wide and I can't control my mouth, "YES!" She laughs. That was louder than I intended.

"Well, here's my number." She hands me a piece of paper. "I wrote it down just in case things ended good. I was a little hopeful," she laughs. "Just text or call me and we'll make plans."

"Okay." I smile so big it hurts my cheeks.

She turns around to walk away. "Hey wait," she turns back to me. "I should already know it, but what's your name?"

Again she giggles, and I think it's the cutest thing. "It's Riley."

"I love it."

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