Chp 19: How this Came to Be

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"Open, Gate of the Golden Bull- Taurus!" Lucy yelled.

Team Natsu had gona on a job near WaterWorks Forest. A forest were anyone who steps in starts crying and slowly dies.
The team had to stop robbers who had stolen many jewels from the local village.

"Hello Miss Lucy. Did you call me to give me a smoooooch?" Taurus, being his pervy self, asked.

"No, I want you to defeat that man in the red jacket!" Lucy ordered him.

"That won't be happening," Taurus said suddenly.

"What?" Lucy exclaimed.

"I'm not here to protect you anymore Lucy, I'm here to kill you," Taurus said.

Then he swung his axe and it barely missed Lucy.

"Lucy! What the hell! Control Taurus!" Natsu yelled.

"I can't!" Lucy yelled back.

"Stop lying bit- no you don't! "

"Oh come on Taurus go back, go back," Lucy wispered, trying to force Taurus' gate to close.

"That you cannot do Lucy," an unfamiliar voice said.

Lucy looked up and standing infront of her was a girl with pink hair going down to her shoulders. She wore a black dress and a black bow.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked the mysterious figure.

"I'm saying, Taurus is mine now."

And then Taurus' key disappeared from Lucy's hand and reappeared in the girls hand.

"I control Taurus now," the girl smirked.

In the corner of Lucy's eye she saw Taurus getting in the way of everyone's fight.

"Taurus! Stop!" Lucy yelled.

"He won't, now get ready for your life to be turned into a living hell," the figure smirked then disappeared.

Why hurt you, When I can destroy you! (Fairy Tail) DISCONTINUED!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora