Chp 4: Sabertooth

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Lucy's POV

"Who are you?"

Two boys were staring at me.

One of the boys had blonde hair and the other had black hair.

"My names Lucy Heartfillia," I responded.

"Hey, your a Fairy Tail wizard. We have strict orders to destroy any Fairy Tail wizards we bump into," said the black haired boy.

"Too bad for you cos I ain't in Fairy Tail," I smirked.

"Your not?" asked the boys, confused.

"No, I quit the guild quite a while back actually," I said.

"Oh, well I'm Rogue and this is Sting," said the black haired boy.

"We're in the guild Sabertooth," replied Sting.

"As a former member of Fairy Tail you may know that Sabertooth is Fairy Tail's enemy,

"I do... WAIT! Fairy Tail's enemy, huh."

A big smile crept onto my face.

"This is my chance to beat up Dragneel," I smiled quietly.

"Are you ok Miss?" asked Rogue.

"I'm better than ok...."


I walked up to a building.

My smile was bigger than ever.

Because I knew that joining Sabertooth would mean I'm Natsu's enemy.

I was really excited. I could actually destroy Dragneel and his precious girlfriend, lasanga.

Sting pushed opened the doors to the guild and yelled-

"Guys, this girl wants to join Sabertooth!"

"Who is this "girl" you talk of Sting?" asked a girl with an elegant dress on.

"Oh, my names Lucy Heartfillia and I'm a Universe dragon slayer," I explained.

Everyone in the hall was gaping at me. It kinda got a bit creepy. But the mouths closed up when a mans voice spoke out of nowhere.

"The Universe dragon slayer is just a myth, it doesn't excist. This Lucy girl just making it up," said the voice.

"I'm not making it up!" I yelled, getting all sassy with him.

~Let the sass wars begin :3~

"Prove it. Prove that you can do every single magic in the world. Because that's what the Universe dragon slayer does, isnt it?" questioned the master.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Ice make magic go," yelled the master.

"Ice make: Dragon!"

And for the next half an hour or so, the master of Sabertooth tested me to see if I was really the Universe dragon slayer.

He finally was proven I was one by yours truly, and allowed me to be part of the guild.

The girl with the elegant dress came over to me and said-

"Hi Lucy, its nice to meet you. I'm Minerva and I will be putting the Sabertooth mark on you today!"

"Hi Minerva. Thanks for letting me join. This is the perfect guild to kick Dragneels butt with!" I smirked.

"You want to kill someone. Well, you have come to the right place. Now, where to want this and in what colour?" asked Minerva.

"Black and on my neck please," I said, gratefully.

"Well, welcome to Sabertooth!"

~Time skip a few months later cos life is boring~

"Listen up Sabertooth. The Grand Magic Games is approaching and we need to pick teams!" said master.

Everone in the guild starting wispering to eachother, anxious to know who is in the team.

"In this team I would like- Sting, Rogue, Minerva and Lucy!"

The guild hall erupted with cheers. They were all counting on us to win this games and I knew Sabertooth would take home a win.

"Master, what about the 5th person?" asked a guy

"Well, um."

Then just like that, the guild doors flung open and a girl yelled-

"And I never coming back to this rotten guild!"

Everone, including me, was staring at her in confusion.

The girl turned around the face us a she closed the door of the guild.

Tbe girl had white hair and was wearing a pink dress.

When she spoke, her voice was high pitched and very calming to hear.

I looked at her, suprised to see someone like her in a guild who is her guilds enemy...

Thats right. Mira-Jane Strauss was at Sabertooth's front door!

"Mira!" I said in surprise.

"Lucy? Lucy!" smiled Mira.

We both gave eachother a big hug and then like 5 minutes later we broke a part.

"Lucy, who is this girl that you know of? Is she of good power?" asked master.

"Master. This I Mira-Jane Strauss. Also known as the "SheDevil"" I explained to my master.

"The SheDevil. I like the sound of that. But why is a Ex Fairy Tail member at Sabertooth's door?" asked master.

"Sir, 2 people at Fairy Tail are not being very nice. They call people weak and start punching and kicking them. I left because these 2 people were talking about Lucy, who we all thought was dead!" sighed Mira.

"Ok it's settled. Mira your an official member of Sabertooth and your taking part in the Grand Magic Games!" yelled master, cheerfully.

"What!" said Mira, startled.

And all I could respond with was-

"Deal with it."

Why hurt you, When I can destroy you! (Fairy Tail) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now