Chp 11: Why Hurt You, When I can Destroy you?

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Natsu's POV

Flair had just turned into what looked like one of Zeref's demons.

I stared at her wondering what had happened.

"Lucy, you ok?" Gray asked, finally.

The thing is, Flair responded with such a weird answer.

"Hehe, I'm better than ok, I'm great. Just one thing I'm not Lucy, I'm Lyra," Flair responded.

Lyra, who the hell is Lyra?

I was confused just like everyone else in the arena.

"Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, everyone," Flair started.

We just continued to stare at her.

"I have just one thing to say- Why Hurt you, When I can Destroy you?" Flair continued.

And suddenly, I ball of darkness appeared in her hand making me tremble.

"What ya got there Lyra?" I asked.

"Your death," she replied simply.

"Ya gonna kill me with that thing, right?" I said.

"Hmm, yeah!" Flair replied.

"Your certainly not Lucy," I said.

"I know I'm not, I'm Lyra," she said as a big smile crept onto her face.

She threw the magic at us and we all went flying backwards.

It must of been a big explosion because I saw Juvia falling off the balcony.

When the smoke had disappeared I saw everyone on the ground coughing.

But I saw Gray do the strangest thing! He was sitting next to Juvia...


"Hey Ice Princess!" I called over to him.

"What do you want?" Gray sniffed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Its Juvia, I think shes... d-d-dead," he stuttered.

"What!" I yelled.

"Juvia doesn't have a pulse and she isn't breathing!" Gray sobbed.

He picked Juvia up and layed her on his lap.

He started to cry harder.

I knew he loved her...

I look around me to see everyone getting up and going to see what the commotion was.

"Whats happened Gray," Wendy asked.

"I think Juvias dead," he started.

They all looked at him with sorrow.

"It's ok Gray," Wendy said, giving him a hug.

I heard a yelp and saw Mira stumbling towards us.

I stood up.

"What do you want?" I yelled at her.

"I'm sorry, I don't know whats gotten into Lucy," she started.

"Well leave us alone traitor, we are trying to mourn over to someone in OUR guild!" I yelled.

"Why does anyone like you Natsu? Your mean and selfish!" Mira yelled.

"Its just..." I started, but words just couldn't come out.

"Just what? Did Igneel teach you to be mean and selfish. It doesn't matter if anyone is weak, all that matters is that your together!" Mira screamed at me.

"Together? I hate all weak people, its about power!" I smiled.

"Geez, you should be in one of those guilds who only want power like Grimauld Heart (sorry if I spelt it wrong >.<)! Mira cried.

Then she started to run away and Wendy, Erza, Happy, Carla, Gray while carrying Juvia's body and pretty much everyone in the guild followed her.

What have I done?!

Why hurt you, When I can destroy you! (Fairy Tail) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now