Chp 3: Labrinth

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Thats how lucy looks ^

Lucy's POV

It had been a week since my disappearance.

I had set up a little camp at the edge of the forest and I loved it.

It was cute and cosy plus it was near a river. Water source!

It was a Saturday evening and I was cooking my tea over a warm fire.

Suddenly, a pair of huge red eyes were staring at me through the trees!

"Ahhh!" I screamed.

"Lucy Heartfillia, there is no need to scream. I won't hurt you. You are the chosen one," said a low voice.

"Chosen one?"


"Come out. I want to see what you are!"

Then a yellow and blue wing appeared out of nowhere.

And another wing. 2 clawed feet and a dagger like tail.

"Y-Y-Y-Your a D-Dragon!" I wimpered in fear.

"Yes. I am."

"But didn't all the dragons disappear in the year 777?"

"Yes, but I used my magic to keep me here, so I could wait for my child."

"So. You want me as your child.."

"Yes, let me introduce myself. I am Labrinth. The Universe Dragon (YEH I MADE IT UP! SO WHAT)."

"Ohhh. Your a generation N.02 dragon."

"Actually, I'm a generation N.01 dragon. I created the Earth."

"Cool. What magic do you use?"

"All the magic!"

"You use any magic you want! And you want me to learn all of it!"

"Yes aaand yes!"

"Let's do this then. I am going to kick the crap out of Dragneel with this power!"

Labrinth smiled.

"I knew you were the chosen one."

"But wait, why me? I'm weak and pathetic at magic. You should bond with Erza or Mira or someone like that?"

"But they are not like you. They don't have the characteristic's you have."

"What do you mean by that?"

"To be my child, I want someone who is feisty and has a hard life. I have been watching you since day 1."

"Since day 1."

"Yes and I knew you were the chosen one since day one because I can see into the future. And so will you when you learn my magic!"

"I'm ready and I will always be. I'm going to go back to Fairy Tail one day and destroy every single one of those pathetic fairies. Even Erza and Gray!"

3 years later...

It had been 3 years since I had met Labrinth and I was training with him hard.

Over time my appearance had changed darrsticly!

I know had long blonde hair with streaks of red and orange in it. Which BTW, is natural.

My skin had become really pale and my eyes had changed to red.

I still had my little side ponytail thing at the side of my head. And thanks to this magic of mine, my hair grows extremely quickly.

Like the day before, my hair was at my butt and today, it was as my shins!

I need to get a way to cut my hair! Cos I won't be able to walk soon.

So I was casually training to improve my water magic since it was my main goal, when I heard foot steps and muffled voices.

"I'm tired," groaned a girl's voice.

"Jump on on my back then, sweety," said a boys voice.

Natsu's and Lissana's voices!

"You two, stop your moaning, it's Natsu's own fault we're walking Lissana. So blame it on Flame Brain.

"Watch it Ice Princess, before I rip your head of!"

"Would you two SHUT UP! I see something,"

Gray and Erza.

Oh, how I missed those two. I wish I could of gone up to them both and give them big hugs.

But two idiots were there so I stayed in my hiding place...

"Erza, its just a camp," moaned Lissana.

"This camp could give us info for something!" snapped Erza.

I saw Erza place her hand on the wood I had been making my fire with.

"The woods hot. Someones been here recently," said Erza.

They started looking round my stuff, which angered me very much.

"Hey look, Celestial Keys!" said Gray.

Oh crap!

I worried they would think it was me and my thought came true.

"Hey, arent they the weakling's keys," smirked Lissana.

Tears fell from Erza's eyes.

"Don't call Lucy a WEAKLING!" cried Erza.

"I don't think they are Lucy's keys. Besides, a weakling like her would never be able to keep alive for 3 years," snorted Natsu.

"Shut up Natsu!" sobbed Gray.

Erza and Gray were now both in tears.

"Do you know how much we miss Lucy everyday? Do you know how much we want to quit this team? No, I don't think you do flame brain!" yelled Gray.

"We want to leave you and your stupid girlfriend and find Lucy but since your the leader of this stupid team, we can't!" sobbed Erza

"You guys are NOT quitting Team Natsu unless I say so!" yelled Natsu.

"Well say so you idiot," screamed Erza.

Anger started to fill up inside me. Tears were pouring down my face.

"Uhh guys, you might want to stop arguing. Look over there," stuttered Lissana.

Lissana pointed my way.

"This doesn't look good. Anything with red glowing eyes is NOT good!" said Natsu.

"Run!" yelled Erza.

"Universe Dragon: ROAR!" I yelled.

And like that they were gone.

"I'm sorry, Gray, Erza. I didn't want to hurt you. I just wanted Natsu and Lissana to pay for what they have done. And not just to me, but to you aswell," I wispered.

Then more tears streamed from my eyes.

"I'm sorry for all the suffering you have put up with. I'm sorry for leaving the guild. You all were like family to me."

I felt my eyes starting to glow red again.


Magic shot out of my hand and made a whole in a tree.

"When my time comes, Natsu and Lissana will be no more."

Then I fell to my knees and started crying my eyes out.

Suddenly, I heard a branch snap and more voices. These voices didn't belong to anyone I knew.

"Who are you?" said the strangers in usion.

Why hurt you, When I can destroy you! (Fairy Tail) DISCONTINUED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum