Chp 16: Apologies

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Lucy's POV

It's had been a few days since I have been back to normal.

I got frequent visits and Erza had promised she won't be going on a job until I'm better.

So had Gray, Juvia and Wendy.

The only visitors I hadn't had was Lisanna and Natsu.

Not that I cared.

But anyways.

It was a Sundy morning and I was writing my book. You know, my book.

There was a knock on the door and the nurse came in saying I had visitors.

I put my book away smiling. I was happy to see Erza and Gray and you know, people.

But my smile disappeared the minute I saw who was visiting me.

Natsu and Lisanna.

"Hey," they said.

"Hey," I responded.

There was an akward silence until I finally spoke.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"Erza, Gray, Juvia and Wendy made us come here to apologise. Not that we are gonna apologise," Natsu started.

"Yeah, we don't want to be here do we Natsu," Lisanna piped in.

Natsu just stared at the ground.

"Get going then," I said.

"Hmm, good idea, come on Natsu. Lets go," Lisanna said.

"Ok, one sec," Natsu said.

Lisanna walked out the room and I was expecting Natsu to follow.

"Ya gonna go with your girlfriend?" I said.

"No," Natsu replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because, I want to say sorry," Natsu started.

I stared at him.

"Lucy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for calling you weak and pathetic and beating you up," Natsu sobbed.

"Natsu," I started.

"If I was you I would want revenge on me," Natsu continued.

I felt sorry for him. So.

I gave him a...



"Natsu," I said.

"Luce, I," Natsu started.

"I love you," he said, blushing.

I blushed back.

"What about Lisanna?" I asked.

"Ever since everyone rushed off after Mira I felt bad for everyone. It was my fault we were in that mess," Natsu cried.

"So your gonna dump Lisanna," I said.

"Yeah," Natsu replied.

We looked at each other and leaned forwards.

Our lips were inches apart.


"Lucy," Natsu wispered.

"Yeah," I responded.

"I'm so sorry," Natsu said.

"I forgive you," I smiled.

Then we...


(Another DUN DUN DUN)

For the past few years I had hated Natsu Dragneel but he... got my first kiss.

Why hurt you, When I can destroy you! (Fairy Tail) DISCONTINUED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora