Chp 17: 580090

53 3 7

Lisanna's POV

Natsu came back to the guild 20 minutes later.

He looked pretty annoyed.

"Hey babe," I smiled.

"Don't 'Hey babe' me," Natsu growled.

"Whats wrong. Did that ugly, fat, lying wrench hurt you," I said.

"Lisanna, Lucy isn't an ugly, fat lying wrench. Unlike you," he said.

"Wait what!" I yelled, making the whole guild stare.

"I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" Natsu yelled back.

"Haha very funny," I giggled.

"I'm not lying. I love Lucy. Besides, we have already kissed," Natsu said smugly.


"Its true. We have also had 580090 babies," Lucy said out of nowhere.

"Lucy, where did you come from?" I asked.

They didn't listen to me though.

"And all our babies are named Nastu Jr," Natsu exclaimed.

"Natsu, half of them are called Lucy Jr you bit-," Lucy said.

"Aye Sir, some should be called Happy Jr. Then me and Carla should have some babies!" Happy said.

"Goodness, no Tomcat. Absolutely not!" Carla yelled.

And in the background you see Wendy and Natsu planning Happy and Carla's future wedding.

"Really child. You know I hate Tomcat," Carla said to Wendy.

"But I offered you fish," Happy sniffed, his eyes filling up with water.

"I don't want your damn fish!" Carla yelled.

"CARLA! Be nice to Happy!" Wendy growled.

"You can shut up to Wendy. Fu-."


"Oops, sorry," Carla apologised.

"Hey Juvia. Are you not gonna ask Gray and you to get married now since we are talking about it?" Natsu yelled at Juvia.

"No," Juvia responded.

"Why not?" Gray asked.

"Because I'm swag and we are already getting married," Juvia said, gleefully.

"Wait what!?"


Jk guys, jk.

This isn't really chapter 17.

It's just @heyimcrazypuggie / @princexramen and I were talking at school and then we talking about my story. This came out of it and I have done the most ridiculous thing ever.

Troll guys.

I'll post the real chapter 17 soon. :p



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