"You guess, or you know?" He demanded.

"I know," I replied quickly.

He sighed, turning around, "If you care about him, then that means you won't do anything to hurt him, right?"

I nodded silently.

"Good," He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because I don't want history to repeat itself."

"We have to go to Zac's party on Friday!" Lillian practically yelled in my ear, earning peculiar looks from people passing by us.

I huffed, lowering my voice a bit, "Would you keep it down? From the look of the barista behind the counter, one more outburst from you and he won't hesitate in kicking us out."

She shrunk in her chair sheepishly, "Sorry, but all I'm saying is that we should go. I mean, we're going shopping that day anyways, so why not shop for clothes for the party?"

I rubbed the sides of my forehead with two fingers, "If I say yes, will you please drop the subject so I can go home?"

After my confusing conversation with Jacob, Lillian had spammed my phone with text messages, demanding that I meet up with her at the local coffee shop in town. After explaining the situation to Jayce and his mother, to my best friends request, I obliged. And that is how I ended up here at 7:23pm on a school night.

"Say yes first before I answer any of your questions," She demanded.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "Yes, I will go to the stupid party."

"Yes!" She squealed in her seat, clapping her hands.

My eyes widened, and I quickly hid my face from view of anyone who thought that I was with her.

For appearing like a badass, she sure did act like a girly girl.

Glancing at the time, I quickly gathered my things, ready to head out the door, preparing myself for a lecture from Cameron.

"Wait," Lillian grabbed my hand, halting me from my departure, "so, Friday, after school we head to the mall, buy our things, and I'll take you back to my place to get ready?"

I nodded, saying a quick goodbye, whilst running out of the coffee shop; ready for a long and cold walk home.

As soon as I got home and went up to my room, I was frightened when I found Cameron sitting at my desk, casually flipping through my copy of "The Fault in Our Stars"

I snatched it away from him, "What do you think you're doing?"

He looked at me with scolding eyes, "What am I doing? What are you doing coming home at this time, on a school night?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, tossing the book on my bed, "I was doing a project, then I met up with Lillian."

I knew he doubted me, but then brushed it off, "Whatever, just next time, text me if you're going to be out late, don't worry me like that."

"I'm sorry, I just got caught up with my work, and Lillian needed me."

He nodded, still just sitting there in my office chair, tapping his fingers to a beat on my busy desk.

"Is there anything else you needed?" I questioned, wondering why he was still in my room.

He glanced at me, then averting his eyes back to the stack of books on my desk, "I answered the phone today."

A look of confusion flashed across my face, I almost laughed at how vague he was being, "Ok and?"

"It was Mr. Reynolds, Jayce's dad," He looked at me seriously.

"What? Again?"

He looked shocked, "Again? He's called here before? He asked for mom and dad right?"

I nodded silently.

He sighed, running a hand over his face, "Tell me the truth, has Jayce been involved in any illegal things?"

Excuse me?


Authors Note:


This was half-filler, half not aha

Stick around for more because I have a crap load of drama coming very soon, so make sure to add this book to your library




Until next time,


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