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I slowly opened the door. As the door opened I saw students around the area, some looks like me a normal human and some are animal like. The area has a school and in front of it was a park and in front were dormitories. The area was sorrounded by big trees that means the area is in the middle of the forest. "Welcome Seth Grey, welcome to Hidden School of Magic (HSOM)" professor informed. "What! Hidden School of Magic, did you said it wrong, seriously" I said in mixed emotion. "First of all, I did not said it wrong and I was serious second, Let's go we'll be late for breakfast" He said in a hurry. "Let's go then" I replied.
"Wow" we walked straight to the big gates of the school. As we entered the school we turned right and opened the door with the sign on the wall on top of it that says DINNER HALL. We entered together and he said to the students "I would like to introduce the new student, Seth Grey". "Hello" I said as I bowed. I walked to the big long table and some student gave some space for me to sit. "Breakfast Begins" He said as he sat in front of the table with other teachers and staffs. We began our breakfast together. "Nice to meet you Seth Grey, I'm Ace Seyh"Ace Seyh said as we were eating. Ace Seyh was not a human for sure but I think inside him is an angel. "Seth Grey, I welcome you to The Hidden School Of Magic(HSOM), I'm Tally Red" She introduced herself. "Nice meeting you" I replied. "Breakfast ends" professor informed in front of the table. "I will show you to your new home"he said. I stood and walked together with him. "This will be your house together with Ace" he showed the house. He also showed me the plaza, and the dormitories. He also showed me the school. "See you tomorrow in class" he ended our tour. I walked to the house alone to go home. I opened the door of the house and Ace surprised me. We had a mini party celebrated. We had a living room, dining room, bedroom and comfort room. We share the same bedroom, his bed on the left and mine on the right. I got a bath after our party and changed to my sleepwear. Ace also got a bath after me and change to sleepwear. We turned off the light and we sleeped.

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