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Flashback: 5 years ago.......

Rachel Diaz was casually looking for an outfit to wear for a friend's party. "Mom!" She yelled, as a pre Teen looking good was an essential especially for a party.

"Yes Rachel?" Her mom was already holding Ethan and Georgie with a tired look on her face.

"Is this a cute shirt for Abby's party..I mean she is the first girl in our grade to be inviting BOYS...so it's my first co Ed party so I have to look cute."

Mrs. Diaz was dumbfounded by her daughter's words as she forgot that Rachel had a party.

"Oh hon, um you're going to have to cancel that...." Her mom adds which earns a scary look from her daughter.

"What?? What do you mean??"

"Well your dad got us tickets for a musical that I've been wanting to see for my birthday and Harley's best friend is coming over and it was too late to say no to her mom....so I need you to baby sit." Her mom leaves the room and leaves a surprised and angry Rachel.

How could her mom do this to her?? It was her first boy-girl party and might as well be her last. What if they don't invite her to the next one?? That would be a dark day for Rachel Diaz.

She didn't even know the friend that Harley was having over. Her name was Amanda something...but Rachel didn't care. She ruined her night.

"Rachel!! Come down Amanda is here!" Her mom yells from below. Rachel bit her tongue but went down stairs.

Rachel stopped at the door when she spotted a girl with curly blonde hair staring at her. "You must be Amanda." She says with a fake smile.

"Yes, and you're Georgie?" Amanda guessed causing Rachel to bite her lip in frustration.

"Rachel actually." She corrects as Amanda nodded.

"Oh I'm sorry, Harley wasn't specific on her big family." Amanda giggled then Harley dragged her to the couch.

"Thanks for this, honey." Her mom smiled and hugs her as she left with her father to the theater.

"No problem, just missing the biggest party of my life." Rachel scoffs sarcastically. "So Amanda, why did you come today?"

"Well Harley invited me over, she said that her big sister would babysit us since she had nothing better to do." Amanda replied.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Gee, thanks Harley." She said in a harsh tone and plopped herself on the couch.

Amanda tilted her head in confusion but just watched the TV with Harley.

"I'm gonna go make us some popcorn." Harley announced, she got up and headed into the kitchen.

"Listen I'm sorry if I ruined your day." Amanda mutters which Rachel just brushes off. "I didn't mean to get my best friend's family angry."

"Well you ruined my plans all of them, ugh! How dare you??" Rachel stormed into her room and collapsed onto her bed.

Amanda sat there in disbelief as Harley approached her with a bowl of popcorn in her hand.

"Where's Rachel?" She asks.

"She ran to her room, she hates me." Amanda says sadly and gets up.

"Where are you going?" Harley follows after her as she is near the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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