Chapter Twelve

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Shooting upright in his bed, Conrad panted heavily and looked around the room. Sweat soaked his shirt, making it stick to his skin. He could feel small drops running down his forehead as well. Movement beside him made he glance over as his wife sat up in bed, yawning tiredly.

"Conrad...? Did you have that nightmare again?" Margret whispered to her husband with a deep frown. "That's the only time you ever wake up."

Nodding, he pushed a hand through his slightly damp hair. "I-I did. It's been ten years since then, but it still haunts me. Her screams, her tears, I couldn't save her!" Slamming a fist into the covers, he felt Margret's gentle arms encircle him. 

"Don't beat yourself up about it. I know it bothers you but think of how much you've done since then. You've convinced almost every human giants aren't dangerous. Killing a giant is finally against the law. You also now have me, and your own beautiful little girl." She murmured, hugging her husband tightly. She hated seeing him wake up like this.

"Margret, I know. I just...god damn, I wish I could have done more." Closing his eyes, Conrad took a deep, shaky breath. 

A soft light then entered the room, the door slowly opening and a little girl standing in the doorway holding a small teddy bear, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Mommy...? Daddy...? Can I stay in here? I-I had a bad dream." She whispered as she made her way over to her parent's bed.

With a soft smile, Conrad gently lifted up his four-year daughter and gave her a tight hug. "Of course. When do we not let you?" Laying the girl in between his wife and himself, he laid down on his side as he gently laid an arm over them both. 

"Thank you, daddy." The child whispered with a yawn as she nestled into her mother and father with a small smile.

With a light chuckle, he closed his hazel eyes. "You don't have to thank me, my dear Coraline."

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