Chapter Four

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"What do you mean wait?!" A man in the crowd shouted angrily, pushing to the front and glaring at Conrad with a scowl. "She's a monster, why are you protecting her?!" 

Conrad stood in shock. His body acted on its own, running out like that, but now he has no idea what to say or even do. Looking into the crowd of angry faces, he turned his head to look up at Coraline with a frown, which turned into a small smile when he saw the confusion plastered on her own face. "She's not a monster." He said bravely, earning angry and doubtful voices from the group. 

"And why do you believe that?!" The same man shouted with a growl in his tone as he held his own gun tight in his grip, prepared to fire at anyone of necessary. 

"She's just a child! Look at her! She's giant, yes, but she's young and innocent! Look at her eyes, you can see the pure terror in them as she looks at your guns and knives. What if this was your child huh?! What if this was your own daughter and you knew someone was going to kill her if they could?!" He shouted towards the crowd. "She's harmless!"

"So you say! What if she attacks? What if she comes after us?!"

"Then we kill her! Only if she does something to cause harm to our village, to our lives! But if you look at that right there," he pointed to Coraline's canteen type item, "She was just getting water! Everything needs water right?! And we've never seen her before now, right?!" Conrad continued talking, a few mumbles of agreement softly coming from the large group. 

"Fine! If anyone dies, it's on your head, Conrad! And you know it!" The man hissed, once again getting mumbles of agreement from the people.

"Deal." Conrad nodded, turning his hazel eyes up to Coraline's big brown ones who were looking at him with a grateful glint. "You're safe now, okay? Just know not to attack anyone. It'll be okay." 

With a small nod, Caroline looked at the human with a small, grateful smile and scooped her canteen into her hand. "Th-Thank you, Conrad." She whispered, rising to her feet as she ran off, freezing in her tracks when she heard a gunshot and flinched, expecting to feel pain but didn't. Slowly turning and looking over her shoulder, she saw the man Conrad was arguing with aiming his gun right at Conrad, who's shirt's shoulder was now soaked with blood, Conrad staring at the wound in his shoulder.

Conrad's shoulder was throbbing in pain as he stood there in shock. He hadn't expected to be shot. Staring at the wound, the world suddenly spun around him as the ground began to shoot down beneath him. Some more muffled gunshots went off. There was something encircling him, but he didn't really care at the moment. His vision was blurry, and he could feel the blood running down his arm.

Coraline had acted quickly, running and grabbing the human with a frown. She heard more gunshots, a tiny bit of pain in her left arm as she glanced at it, small trickles of blood trailing down it from the tiny bullet wounds. Though they hurt quite a bit, she knew it'd be hurting her friend more. "H-Hang on." She pleaded in a whisper, running back to her cave.

Hearing the voice from above him, he forced himself to look up into those giant brown eyes, his giant friend taking care of him, even though she was only a child. Why she was helping him, he'd never know, but he could only be grateful as his vision blurred completely and he blacked out.

He came to a while later, laying on something surprisingly soft. Slowly opening his eyes, he scanned the area to find himself laying on a pile of fabric. His shoulder was still throbbing, but there was a bandage badly wrapped on it. But it stopped the blood. It was then a voice brought him from his thoughts. "You woke up."

Coraline smiled down at him, reaching out and lifted him into the palms of both her hands. "I was scared that you would leave again. Only, you wouldn't have been able to come back." Her smile turned into a deep frown as she lowerd her head.

"Hey, kid." Conrad groaned out weakly, patting the palm of her hand. He knew that she could be trusted for sure. She's helped him, and really seems to care. "I can tell you now, I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" Coraline looked at him with a hopeful smile, tilting her head up just enough to look at him.

Conrad smiled at her, forcing himself to sit up. "I promise."

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