Chapter Six

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Conrad sat up when the ground he was laying on began moving and he looked over to see Coraline holding her leg with tears in her eyes. Before his heart a chance to ache, he was on his feet and over to her arm within a few moments. "Hey kid...what's wrong?" he asked softly, placing a hand on her leg. 

"Th-That man had shot me. The bullets would be stuck my leg, a-and they'll get infected. M-Mommy always told me to clean wounds but I can't if the b-bullets are stuck. And my fingers are too big." She brought her hand down near Conrad, making a slight pinch motion with her fingers.

He had to take a step back away from the fingers. While he trusted the young giant, there were also instincts everyone has. "Let me try. Maybe I can help?" He suggested softly, smiling warmly up at her.

"I-If you want," Coraline whispered with a quiet sniffle, placing both her hands on the ground as she prepared herself. Even though they were very small, they hurt a whole lot.

Conrad nodded softly and placed one hand on her giant leg beside one of the many bullet holes, using his finger and stuck it into the wound as delicately as he could. 

Coraline's leg jolted, sending him falling onto his back with a grunt. Carefully, he got back up on his feet and looked up at the giant child with a frown who's eyes were closed tight, an apologetic look on her face even though she didn't say anything.

"You have to hold still." He murmured gently as he approached her leg once again. He didn't want to hurt her at all, but the bullets needed to come out. With his eyebrows furrowed, an idea came to mind though it was risky.

"Coraline, I need to go back to my house. I have tweezers there that I can get the bullets out easier. I know it might be dangerous, but I have to do it if I want to help you." He looked back up at her, shocked to see how terrified she looked of that idea. 

Coraline shook her head frantically, her hand shooting out and wrapping around his torso before she had a chance to stop it. "I-I can't let you go, th-they'll hurt you!" Her young voice boomed as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

Conrad's eyes widened when he was suddenly snatched off of the ground like that and stared into the kid's big brown eyes which were filled with fear. Her voice made his ears pop, but he didn't show it. Instead, his heart wrenched as he calmly shook his head. "Coraline I have to, I want to help you."

"Y-You can't leave me alone. Please, you just can't." She pleaded as she brought the human close to her, closing her eyes tightly as she began crying. She tried to stop herself as tears streamed down her face, quiet sobs escaping her lips and were sometimes louder than she would have hoped.

He listened to the frightened sobs, pressed against the child's chest. He knew that if she didn't want him leaving, she wasn't going to let him. Except now he wasn't sure if he even wanted to. The way she reacted to the thought of him getting hurt, or killed shocked him. Shifting his body, he looked up at the underside of her chin with a deep frown. "Why are you so upset?" He asked quietly as he tried to calm the crying giant.

"Y-You could get hurt! A-And then you'll leave me all alone again. I-I don't want to lose you too! I lost my mommy, a-and my daddy, I-I don't wanna lose you too!" She continued to sob and looked down at the human in her hands. 

It had been so long since she full on cried. Not since her mother was killed. All this time she was trying to act like an adult, b an adult, she never wanted to seem like a child in front of anyone anymore. But with someone else around to protect her, that cared for her, she felt like she could finally be a kid again and let her guard down just a little bit.

Not knowing what to do, Conrad used his arms to try and hug the hand closed around him. "Alright. It's okay, I won't go." He murmured, looking up into her eyes, shining and red from the tears. "Just lie down, try and relax, and I'll try and get them out with my hands, okay? You're going to be okay."

Misunderstandings ((G/T))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat